Monday, October 23, 2006
I'm Back!
Vacation was great. I have a lot of good stories - if I ever get to them. The weather was only rained a little one day. The beach was beautiful. I have lots of pics to share (later). Paul & Linda came home on Friday and Jude went with them. I was a little sad that he didn't get to go to the beach one last time but he was so happy to get to go to West Virginia to see Lydia, Nolan and the gang. He is having a good time. He isn't coming home until Wednesday morning. We left Saturday morning. We weren't planning to leave until Saturday night but after we realized we were running out of money and since I am not sure about the status of my job (more on that after I work tomorrow) we decided to head back North. I read my book the whole way home (The Wild Girl). It was so good I couldn't put it down. We got home around 7 P.M. but I ended up staying up until 2 A.M. finishing it. As you know, I have severe insomnia when I am upset/stressed. Since I have been stressed about about work, church, money, etc... coming back to Ohio hit me pretty hard. And the cup of coffee I drank at 5 P.M. probably didn't help anything either. Regardless, I finished the book and can't wait to dive into the other book the guy wrote (One Thousand White Women). Who knows when I will have time to read it. It would be a good Christmas (or Thanksgiving or Election Day or Jude's Birthday or Halloween) gift, if anyone wants to buy it.
Well, I have to get back to getting some things done. Jake is going to be out of town all week, on a sales trip. Say a little prayer that he and Bill sell lots of stuff. My parents will be visiting on Wednesday so that is nice. I will try to make time to blog. Have a good one.
Friday, October 13, 2006
What I SHOULD be doing...
- finish the laundry (Tuesday laundry day went out the door because I worked on Tuesday this week).
- call Alicia & talk to her about my work schedule & remind her to come over and get our key so she can come over and check on the cat while we are gone.
- Pack my clothes....check the weather for the outer banks first.
- Pack the kids clothes.
- Pack linens (sheets & towels)...they are not provided by the house.
- Locate & pack Jude's beach toys (I explained it is going to be too cold to swim but he still wants to build a sand castle.
- Find my shell collecting bag (i.e. net bag).
- Recharge camera & portable DVD player (a gift from my parents we haven't used yet!)
- Check batteries in the leap pad & pack extras.
- Clean the house. I want to come home to a neat & tidy house.
- Get any food ready. Oh and the snacks for the car. I may even pack a lunch for in the car tomorrow (PB&J???)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
National Sacher Torte Day (revisited)
I suspect someone mentioned it on a TV show or something like that!
Here is my original post.....
What's Goin' On....
So, this week I had a talk with my boss and it looks like I am not going to have a job next month. Well, not really but everything is changing. For starters I am not going to have a set schedule. I get to make my own hours. Sounds pretty good so far, right? Well, I will no longer be getting a base pay. Since starting here last June I've been selling but also doing marketing and secretary type stuff. The idea is for me just to sell. I will be getting a pretty hefty commission for all of my sales, which is nice....if I have people to sell to. My boss says he will be a little more dedicated to getting our name out there and bringing people to the table. If he gets them, I can sell the stuff. I am just so concerned/ worried that when it is all said and done I won't have any money. So far this month (if on the "new" plan) I would be coming out ahead. I will probably only work a few evenings a week, which means I will have to let Alicia go.... Man, I hate to do that because this is her job that she relies on. She did get another babysitting job on Mondays & Wednesdays but I don't know if it will be enough. And my kids love her. The whole thing just stinks. I am happy to be home with them all day but leaving when Jake gets home is going to be hard.
On a happier note...Pottery class is going well. I am making a lot of cool things. I am in the middle of several projects and the new session starts after I get back from vacation. I need to scrape together enough money so I can finish my Christmas gifts. If not you may be getting a "not fired yet" item from me. Ha ha ha.
Also, Last night I got a phone call from my sister, who was at an old friends house, to tell me the old friend is expecting a baby! I was in total shock because she just broke up with a guy (within the last 6 months) she had been with for 7 years. I guess the pregnancy wasn't planned but they are getting married next month. I can't believe she is going to be a mom. I'm not putting her name because she might not want her news on my blog but I told you because I thought it was exciting. Those of us who are mom's all remember what it is like to find out you are pregnant with your first child. It is like it consumes every thought you have. My friend always said she wanted kids but I never really believed she would (especially with that last guy...whew thank God that didn't happen). From what I hear she was on the pill when she got pregnant.
I don't know if I will have time to write anything tomorrow. If not you probably won't hear from me until we get back. I will be unplugged for the vacation. In the mean time....try to stay warm and be nice to each other.
Monday, October 09, 2006
The Gym, Apples & UFO's....
On Sunday we went to an Apple farm and picked apples. We went with Melanie, her girls, my sister and her family. It was a beautiful day outside (as is today). We picked bunch of apples and went on a hay ride. The kids had a great time. Afterwords we went to Melanie's new house and finally got to spent a little time with them. It was cool.
On the way back to Melanie's from the Apple farm we saw this thing flying around. We stopped and took a bunch of photo's of it. I have never seen anything quite like it. Let me know if you have. BTW...Melanie (and my sister) live like a block south of Lake Erie so it was flying over the lake.

Friday, October 06, 2006
The GYM....
So, there it is. Now I've told you I am working out at the gym and I have no more excuses. Please help keep me accountable and maybe I'll have some funny gym stories.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Can you FORGIVE????
- 21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (Matt. 18:21-22)
- 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)
- 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Colossians 3:13)
Why is it so difficult to forgive? I don't have an answer for you. I do know this, you can't just say you forgive someone. You have to forget about your anger and hurt. I am sure the Amish and those families that were effected will never forget this horrible thing happened, but maybe they can forget the bad feelings they have towards the event! During an interview with Ann Curry (from NBC) one Amish woman said this...
"We can tell people about Christ and actually show you in our walk that we forgive, not just say it, but in our walk of life. You know you have to live it, you can't just say it. "
Whew...that sure is a tough one. So here is my challenge. Right now think of three people who have done something to wrong you. It could be something big (abuse or abandonment) or small (cut you off when you were driving or told you your hair looked ugly). Well, my challenge is to pray for these people. Say a prayer for them everyday. If you say a little prayer for the people who have hurt you, it will be easier to forgive them. That doesn't mean you let people treat you poorly or continuously hurt you. It means you don't hold onto the anger. When you hold onto that anger it effects you NOT THEM. Right? Here is the truth. You don't have to even want to forgive them. If you pray for them daily, you are going to start to have a different attitude.
I am not perfect in this area. I know you all knew that...I just wanted you to know that I knew it. And the Amish aren't perfect but in this instance we should all be a little more like the Amish. Other than that...have a great day.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Holiday Recipe Exchange

Overwhelmed with Joy is hosting a holiday recipe exchange today. What you do is post your favorite holiday recipe on your blog then go to the Overwhelmed with Joy blog and add your name to Mr. Linky. I've never done anything like this but I did check the Tour of Homes a while back and it was really cool. So...if you have a recipe, share away. In the mean time - try mine. These rolls are soooooo yummy and easy to make. Let me know if you try them.
Spoon Rolls
4 cups self-rising flour, sifted
1/4 cup sugar
2 1/4 cups luke warm water
2/3 cup melted butter
2 tablespoons cornmeal
1 egg beaten
1 Tablespoon dried yeast
Add yeast to lukewarm water and stir. Mix together beaten eggs, sugar and melted margarine. Add yeast mixture. Then add self-rising flour and cornmeal and mix by hand with wire shisk until well-blended. DO NOT BEAT WITH AN ELECTRIC MIXER. Spoon into greased muffin tins. Bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Dough can be dept covered with foil in the refrigerator - it gets better with age!