Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Okay, you might remember I criticized Sarah Palin during the presidential campaign. I also let you know that I voted for Obama...much to the disappointment of many of you. LOL. Well, it has been nice watching history and I think Obama has a lot of wonderful things to say. BUT...today I am mad at him. Back in May Obama said this:
We can't drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times, whether we're living in the desert or we're living in the tundra and then just expect every other country is going to say OK, you know, you guys go ahead keep on using 25 percent of the world's energy, even though you only account for 3 percent of the population, and we'll be fine. Don't worry about us. That's not leadership.

Last week it was reported that Obama has set the thermostat at the White House at 80! Are you kidding me?

I was already a little annoyed that the Obama inauguration cost $160,000,000! I know it was history making and there was cause for celebration but COME ON people....even if it wasn't tax payers money - it was still extravagant and wasteful.

Then on the radio today, Howie Chizek has been talking about the Obama's only eating some special and very expensive beef. Some type that costs like $200 per pound.

I don't know. He worked hard and he is the President of The United States of America. I think he should get some perks. But he has preached the message of "lead by example" that I feel seriously betrayed. I am not giving up on him yet but I am mad.


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

you are really starting to sound like a conservative...I would be moad too. oh, wait. I am...

Anonymous said...

how can we believe everything we "hear" ??

Mandy said...

I was mad about the cost of the inaguration too!
Could it be that the others are just rumors? You know how this country is..... just out looking for a story. I can't tell you how many versions of the "lady that gave birth to octuplets" story I've heard!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever think that some of these stories are just that, stories to get people like you riled up? You shouldn't beleive everything you read or hear unless it comes straight from the "horse's mouth".

delilah said...

To the last anonymous person...are you saying Barack Obama has to actually report this to the public? Is it not good enough that his advisor commented on it? And regardless - the inaguaration thing was overboard.

To the other Anonymous - I don't believe everything I hear. Didn't you read that I voted for Barack.

Man people are a wee bit defensive aren't they?????

Stephanie Appleton said...

The inaguaration really bothered me. How can you complain about CEO's taking huge bonuses or salaries and allow huge sums of money to be spent on a one day event?! It is just politics as usual, regardless of the party you are affiliated with....

JoAnn said...

I don't know, I don't ever believe much I hear coming out of Washington, or the advisors of the advisors etc. I just want a little bit of my security back -- knowing that Doug will still have a job, that Alex will still have healthcare insurance ughh... I think I've just depressed myself!

Anonymous said...

Yes I think Obama needs to report to the public on some issues (like spending my tax dollars). It could be worse, we could have a Republican in office making this worse then it already is.....

You are to easy to get riled up....I love to get you going....lol

amyd76 said...

About the inauguration cost: I would invite everyone to read this- http://mediamatters.org/columns/200901170003

As for 80 degrees in the White House- come on- That's just silly.

And the beef thing... The president's groceries are paid for by him, with his salary. They are not included with the White House. Every president has had to pay for their own groceries. So, if they want to eat crazy expensive beef, then it's their money.

We all need to realize that much of what is "reported" by the media is either untrue or largely exaggerated.

Wow. Didn't realize I really had that big of an opinion.