Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm a Maverick, You're a Maverick, Wouldn't you like to be a Maverick, too???

I used to describe myself as a Maverick. Seriously. I have probably even mentioned that on my blog before. I've never been a very good rule follower and I don't always catch on to the unwritten laws of the land - if you know what I mean. I am just me. Probably why I will never be a politician! LOL.

So, along comes Sarah Palin. During the Democratic convention my parents were visiting. We were watching it and the commentators were speculating who may be the Republican VP. I said, "he's gonna pick that lady from Alaska!". Then they gave their short list and she wasn't on it. I thought I might be wrong (as well as Bob Golic). Later that week McCain introduced us all to Sarah Palin - the "lady from Alaska". I thought it was cool because I had called it (just what my ego needs). I thought....Barack may be in trouble. I (get ready to be shocked) like Sarah Palin. I bet she was a great Mayor. I have a feeling if we had been on the PTA together we may have clashed, though. Just a guess. I like that she can field dress a moose (is that even true?) - I bet I could do a deer (I've seen it once or twice and could identify that smell with no problem). I think it is cool that she can shoot a gun and that she "took on the big oil company". But do I think she is a Maverick???? I think she is just like most everyone else in Alaska. Do I think she is a Washington outsider? Yes. Do I think she is a Career Politician? Uh, Yes. I guess some radio station in Florida played some stunt where they had "men in black" go into this restaurant and told them Sarah Palin was going to be coming in. Everyone in the place started chanting, Maverick, Maverick, Maverick..... What is wrong with people? Do you even know what a Maverick is? I am not sure it is a quality you should look for in a politician. When I was thinking about writing this post I started thinking about who I feel are true Mavericks. I came up with John Lennon (it was just his birthday and there was just talk about him so he came to mind) and Abbie Hoffman (professional troublemaker/protester/activist). Then I thought....really Hitler was a Maverick. So I googled it - Hilter was a maverick. Obviously I wasn't the only one thinking like that. What I am trying to say is.....I am sick of the Maverick talk. We get it - you want change....yada yada yada. Don't we all. I do like Sarah Palin as a person but I don't want her running the country. John McCain picked her because Barak didn't pick Hillary. That was a pretty smart move. And it is cool that she was just a small town Mom and now she is the next possible VP. What a wild ride she has been on. But she does not make John McCain a different person. She isn't going to change he policy on health care - I am not saying I totally agree with Barack's plan (I'll save my Barack critisicm for another post). Palin is not going to change McCain's tax plan or his plan for the war! This week the Parade Magazine that comes in the Sunday paper has an interesting little report about taxes. It breaks down the tax plan for Barack & McCain. With Barack's plan anyone making $112 K or less would save more money than on McCain's plan. You will just have to click over and look at it for yourself. It is crazy. So many people I know are going to vote for McCain/Palin because of abortion & gay marriage. You have to listen to what these politicians are staying. George W. has been in office for almost 8 years and abortion is still legal. 8 years ago a gay couple could not get married - now they can in some states. The president is not going to change those things. In fact all four front runners (Barak, Biden, McCain & Palin) AGREE on those issues - to let the states decided for themselves. McCain/Palin both say personally they don't agree it with abortion but does that mean they are in favor of overturning Roe V. Wade? I don't know. I just hope everyone takes a closer look at the candidates to see what their real plans are once they get in office. Trust me I have my thoughts about Barack and Biden and most of you know what political leanings I have but I can say this....I do not go blindly when I vote. And regardless who you vote for I hope you don't either.


Mandy said...

I agree! People need to look at the "Big" picture completly and not just focus on one small issue. In reality the President of The United States is not going to have any control over.

Jake said...

I've taken several online presidential election quiz's to see who I most closely agree with on different issues. On some of them I agree more with Obama, on others I agree more with McCain. They are all about 7% from each other regardless which quiz I take and who is ranked higher.

Anonymous said...

I have heard the word maverick so many times in the last few makes me want to poke my eyes out every time I hear it.

amyd76 said...

I'm writing in my vote president.