Thursday, September 22, 2005

Eight Days

# of Days Until We Move= 8
Total # of Boxes Packed Today=1
# of Invitations I received today to home parties=2

Today wasn't all that exciting. I feel like I have been working non-stop but I can't get anything done. Tommarow I have Jackie coming over to watch the kids. I hope to accomplish so much.

I wanted to talk about something other than rabbits. Afterall, I didn't want this to be a Rabbit Blog...and when we move I'd have nothing to talk about. But, I wanted to keep everyone up to date on the bunny situation. Today Archie left me a note asking me to help him get his bunnies back. It seems the Humane Society is bullying him. First they told him he could have the rabbits back if he cleans the cages and pays the vet expenses. He cleaned everything. He was working on it nonstop. It looks and smells much better. He called them and they wouldn't return his calls. Finally after 3 calls he gets to talk to the person "in charge" of his case. The person says he has 2 choices...(1)he can take one bunny and pay to have it fixed and be off the hook or (2)He can go to court, face charges but have a chance of getting all the rabbits back. They told him if it goes to court it would probably be in the newspaper because the conditions were so bad. Let me tell you...the cages did need cleaned but they weren't as bad as these people are making it sound. And they are bullying him. I will be the first to tell you the man is very wierd (in every way) but, as most of you know, I have always been out to help the underdog. He isn't all there and he doesn't really understand. He is very embarassed and is afraid of everyone finding out. They are using it against him.

By the way...I watched Criminal Minds tonight and it is pretty good. It was a little odd to see Greg (from Dharma & Greg) working for the FBI.

Also, keep up with the comments. You don't have to be a member now...I fixed it.

Have a Great Evening.


toys r us kid(s) said...

It just goes from bad to worse! Can you get the Humane Society on his side at all? It would be them that would likely be stuck with all the rabbits!

cac said...

Tell him to take the bunny, fix it. then in a year buy another bunny... etc.. was he making money off of the bunnies? sounds like he needs a dog.... solution? How did the packing go today? I'll be over around five They say thier coming between 5 and 5:30 LIARS........I'M GOING TO BLOG ABOUT THEM TONIGH

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

dear jesus.... thank you that the bunnies are in good, safe, and clean hands now. Let Archie have one to cuddle with and to love and cherish and to keep til death do us part...