Here is a list of LISTS I won't be making in the future.
1. 13 stupid things I've said while drunk. (ex. I said to my friends new boyfriend, "I heard you are a coke head.") These things all happened a long time ago - back in the drinking days.
2. 13 embarrassing moments I've had with bosses. (ex. I went to a wedding and my boss was there. He was doing some threesome/sandwich dance with his wife and another woman he knows from church. People were talking about it for months afterwords.) How embarrassing?!
3. 13 stupid fights my husband & I have had. (ex. fighting over who parks where in the driveway).
4. 13 things I have eaten and regurgitated in the last week. (no examples needed).
5. 13 people I could have lived without knowing. (ex. ex-GUY friend's crazy girlfriend who wanted to beat me up because of myspace.)
6. 13 people I sent Christmas cards to that didn't send them back to me. (ha ha....that would be a funny one, except there were a few people who sent me cards that I never got around to sending them cards....sorry).
7. 13 movies I fell asleep during. (ex. I fell asleep during Terminator 3 at the theater!)
8. 13 bad gifts I have received in the past. (ex. Dale Earnhardt Jr. action figure)
9. 13 colors that men should not wear. (ex. pink)
10. 13 shocking things people have said to me. (ex. this lady was telling me something about ethnic baby names - she said "they go through the produce isle and get their names from rutabaga.") I was very uncomfortable.
11. 13 stupid things I have said while sober.
12. 13 bad pictures of myself. (ha ha...I could put the double chin poster picture here...ha ha)
13. 13 things I'd rather be doing besides blogging. I wouldn't be able to come up with 13 things.
Have a great day! If you want to read more Thursday Thirteens go HERE.
some of these lists could be rather funny. You may want to reconsider.
That's a fun list but you should do some of them they would be hilarious
A cool list. I don't want to think about the things I shouldn't list...
My 13 are up.
After reading #1 I was thinking I could also make a list and there it was at #11! Thanks for the laughs. Hope you get past the morning sickness soon.
That is a great list! Thanks for not sharing about the food that didn't stay!
This is a good list. Some would be okay to do, but others might hurt people's feelings. I like the one about the name Rutabaga. See the TT of Michele at Scribbit for a hilarious list of suggested names for celebrities' children:
I think you should do these!
Great ideas for lists!
very funny stuff...
My TT is posted
That's a great list!
A Junior Action figure?!?! You don't think that's a good Gift? Oh man...
This is too funny. The boss doing a sandwich dance had to be soooo sick.
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