Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My New Job...

I started my new/old job on Monday. For those of you who do not understand the new/old thing, I will explain. I used to teach an abstinence program for this agency called ABC, inc. The program is called RSVP (Responsible Social Values Program). It is a 4 day program in the local (some are a "distant" local for me) middle schools. It is a great program. It teaches kids the value of waiting to be involved in (or never doing) sex, drugs, alcohol & tobacco. The program is full of all types of fun stuff and kids really enjoy it. We don't use scare tactics and also don't get horribly graffic. I really believe in the program. So with that being said, you probably already figured out that is where I am working, again. When I left ABC in 2000 it was because I needed something full-time with benifits. Safe Landing had offered me such a job so I took it and left my post as "Miss Wright" RSVP instructor. For the last few years I have been going back a couple of times and year and training new instructors the demos. Cheryl (my boss) knew I had a baby and was calling me to get all the details. I told her we were leaving Shelter Care and I was looking for a job. She mentioned she needed another teacher. So here I am. This week I am just observing at Green Middle School. I love it. I forgot how middle schoolers are in a classroom setting. All the kids were talking to me. I was NOT the enemy (not that I was ALWAYS the enemy in respite but I was an authority figure and often mistaken for the enemy). One girl gave me a high five. Another (6th grader) asked me if she was going to be scarred for life (because we were going to talk about sex). It was very cute. Now, not all schools will be like Green, in fact, I teach at Goodyear MS next week but look forward to it. I will be sure you post comments kids make. They always have funny questions. Either way, I am happy to be back in my safe place. I always thought it would be the ideal job for someone with a husband who had benefits. When I quit, I didn't think I'd be getting married anytime soon. Ha. Oh what life brings you...You just NEVER know.


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

YEah have funin Goodyear MS. I subbed there once...

cac said...

Sounds like much fun.. How is the new house? Hope all is going well. Talk to you soon