Maybe you are a bit skeptical....I've been there. But haven't you always heard the old saying....Believing is half the battle? Well, I don't know if that is really an old saying but I think it is true. I BELIEVE each one of us can make the world a better place and can truly make a difference. So...for my grand finale (this is the "last" TT, until someone takes it over, which I am confident someone will....come on!) I am going to tell you Thirteen Wonderful things you can do to Save the World!
Volunteer!!! Well, you knew that would be on the list, right? How many of you have really volunteered before? It isn't that difficult and it doesn't have to be very time consuming, either. For those of you that don't know, I am a certified Volunteer Manager & Grant Writer. I like to think I have a "gift" for motivating people in this area. Most people think you have to leave your home or spend a lot of time to volunteer. Here are some volunteer opportunities I have had in the past: folding brochure packets for the Battered Women's Shelter, clean up trash at a park, spread mulch at a Public Children's Garden, worked with teen's that lived at the Children's Services receiving unit (I plucked eyebrows & did crafts), made Christmas ornaments for the people at a nursing home and I've pulled weeds at a farm that gives food to the local food bank.
Know what is going on Locally. You should
understand & know the people who represent you and what the local issues are. Everyone whines about the president & congress (yes, they are important) but the people who are the closest to you and you may have a chance of influencing....people don't even know them! Read the newspaper, listen to the radio, attend town meetings, join a community watch group!!!!
Relay for Life. Well, this is my own
personal agenda. My sister has been doing the Relay for years. Last year was my first and I wasn't that involved. This year I am on a team and currently collecting items for a silent auction! This is an event that can be fun and very moving. Even if you don't want to walk, raise money or stuff like that you can attend the events. There is always yummy food, games and raffles (etc....). Most communities have a Relay for Life. Check it out!
Pray (well duh!!!). We all have a direct line to the big guy - USE IT!!!!
Love EVERYONE!!! This is harder than you may think. For the spiritual crowd...remember Jesus died for my sins, your sins and those people who commit really REALLY horrible sins. How would you feel if a woman that who is on trail for killing her child showed up at your church? What if it was a gay couple? An abortion doctor? We may not understand everyone's sins but rest assure we all have them. As Christians we tend to pick the sins we don't like and then hate/dislike those people who commit them. But do we hate the glutton? The unwed mother? Someone who had premarital sex? The gossip? Well, the list could go on & on. My point is....stop being hateful and start loving!!!!!
Spread the Love!!! Do nice things for people who aren't expecting you to do nice things for them. Shovel the snow for a neighbor, rake someone's leaves, pick up a few groceries for a friend who is busy, pick up the tab for a stranger, etc.... People don't have to be sick or poor or old for you to show them you love them. Send a card to someone just to let them know you are thinking about them. Oh....the list is endless.
Smile. It is contagious.
Be Friendly. Don't underestimate the power of a kind word - even if you are a stranger. Be a friend to everyone.
Care about the Environment. I know, some of you are rolling your eyes. I am not saying to get all nutty neurotic BUT you should care about the earth. Plant a tree, recycle, conserve water and stop using so many stinkin' chemicals.
Take a Service Vacation. I haven't done this before but I would like to. Plan a trip and a project. It would be nice to get away and do something good for the world. There are all sorts of things you can do! You don't have to be a missionary in Nepal to make a difference.
Donate your hair to Locks of Love. I also have not done this because I could never grow my hair out long enough to do it BUT.... it is a great cause! Stephanie recently did it,
check it out! 12.
Donate other stuff!!! We all have stuff sitting around that we don't use or rarely use. Think about donating it to Goodwill, The Salvation Army or one of the many local places that help people who are homeless or low income. Don't just give them the junk. Although, one man's junk is another's treasure - many times people only pass along their trash. Also, there is a
web-site(Freecycle) - where you can offer your free stuff to other local people. In fact, their motto is "Changing the world one gift at a time". How nice.
Write a Blog!!! Maybe you will be someone's free entertainment, maybe you will share something you are going through that someone else has been through and is grateful to know they aren't alone, maybe you will offer much needed advice or just open someone else's eyes.
Now get out there and start Changing Your World!!!!