Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Business of Insurance...

Not that long ago I got a letter in the mail from some local business that was looking for an licensed insurance agent. They said they wanted to talk to me about working for them. I figured they sent those letters out to everyone who is currently licensed but it may have been from when I was on unemployment. They supposedly hook you up with employers. They didn't send any leads my way until my benefits had ran out but....anyhoo - I showed the letter to Jake and asked if he wanted me to get a job. I think he was tempted but it isn't very realistic with Jake traveling and all. This week I got another letter about some insurance issue. I threw it away. I decided I am going to let my license expire. I know some of you probably think that is dumb because it really was a lot of time & hard work & money (fortunately I didn't have to pay for it). I doubt I will ever need it again. Maybe next time I will get licensed to sell life insurance. I think there is A LOT of commission on life. In case you need term life insurance quotes check out the link.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't take that much to keep it up & you NEVER KNOW!!!!! Plus don't you have over a yr or so before it expires?? Just renew it. Just in case.
-guess who this is from-

delilah said...

I knew you were going to have something to say about this....

Anonymous said...

...I just know how hard it was to pass & how much work was involved....what a shame to lose it!