Saturday, September 29, 2007
To Homeschool or Not To Homeschool....That is the Question!
Friday, September 28, 2007
I am tired....can you tell???
In an unrelated topic...I went back and had my hair "fixed". Not that it was bad but it just wasn't what I wanted. So, now it is better...much better. Even Jake noticed and said he liked it. case you were wondering. Piere died and my parents told me he "ran away". I figured it out when I was an adult. Nice.
We're Here....
I will keep you posted. In the mean time fill out some surveys for this company that does market research. It is one of the ways that I make money online. The surveys are kinda interesting.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday Thirteen....Search Words
1. dear delilah, dear delilah song, hey dear delilah, delilah song lyrics
2. National Sacher Torte Day (still popular)
3. Prego Bellies, Huge Prego Belly, Prego Pictures
4. Gag Reflex, gagging moms, wife gagger, I want to stop gag reflex, gag reflex hereditary
5. Moonshine runners, purchase moonshine, what do I do with moonshine, score me some moonshine, running moonshine vacation, how to judge good moonshine (perhaps these people need drug rehabilitation!)
6. McDonald's iced coffee recipe
7. Where to get a good funnel cake
8. What to do if someone says Happy Hanukkah
9. Turned on by smell of skunk, catching skunks, skunk smell people who like it, sexy skunk photo
10. Stephanie Miller's butt crack
11. Religions & why they don't celebrate christmas
12. POOP
13. delilah bad to the bone, delilah miller blog, delilah letters, delilah kent, delilah in ohio
Baseball Fever....
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
What Will They Think of Next????
MY Five (or ten) Year Plan...
Also if you are looking to buy me a Christmas gift....I will take one of those digital picture frames!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
New Posts
Monday, September 24, 2007
Am I Really????
I Signed up for Pay Per Post!!!!
And what do you think I should do with all this money I am going to make???
A Good Weekend...
Saturday we went to the Cleveland Zoo. It was a beautiful day out - and you know that means- every other family thought it was a good idea to go to the zoo. It was packed. We had to hike it up to the Primates (if you have been to the Cleveland Zoo, you know what I mean). While we were going up the hill, Jake accidentally stepped on my shoe and broke it. So, I walked around with a broken shoe all day. We got home and barely sat down when the phone rang. It was Sherry inviting us over for dinner! How nice - so we packed up and walked over for a nice dinner with the Loomans.
Sunday we went to church. After lunch we did some cleaning. Jake shampooed the carpet (thank you thank you thank you). I worked on all the clutter sitting around. Instead of just dumping it all in the basement I found a place for everything. Things are starting to get back to normal around here. I found a few things to get rid of so I loaded it up and headed over to Goodwill. I LOVE that store. If you haven't noticed- I am becoming a regular. OH MY can't believe the deals I got. Here is what I got....
- 2 Gap zip up hoodies for Elise
- cute cute cute skirt for Elise
- pair of PJ's for Elise
- Land's End button up sweater for Elise
- princess costume for Elise
- (it was her lucky day)
- 2 bags of batting new
- large bag of polyfill new
- yo yo maker (a sewing thing) new
- dozen large foamie shapes (craft for kids) new
- 6 large make your own buttons new
- scrapbook cover kit ($22.50 retail) new
- Cricut Font Cartridge....OMG....several on ebay right now with bids for $50!!!!
- Brand NEW with the tag Gore-Tex leather hiking boots kids sized (on ebay for $56!!!)
- shirt for myself
- christmas cookie box thingy
- lobster beanie baby
All for a total of $30.76. Man I am a super shopper. Jake said it is my new job to go look for things we can sell. Oh, he may regret saying that. Either way, I am not buying anymore until we sell that cartridge. We might sell the shoes or keep them for Jude.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Sherry!!!
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday Dear Sher-ry.
Happy Birthday to You.
Do you think I should buy her some Miami real estate?

My Big Girl....

As for my hair...I've been in transition for quite some time now. I let it grow out and then I cut if off into that flippy late 1990's Dixie Chicks look. I wanted something a little more ME. Earlier in the week I saw Jenny McCarthy on Oprah and decided I wanted her hair cut. I've been growing my bangs out for a while so I was excited about my soon to be new style! Well...I told the girl what I wanted and I think I wasn't specific enough or something because I got a TOTALLY different hair style. It is cute (I think) and stylish (also a little out to the loop but I think stylish) hair style. Jake doesn't like the back of it and the back is very layered - not what I envisioned at all. It is longer in the front, shorter in the back but....I don't know. It is a lot shorter. I'm a little nervous because I know my hair is going to start falling out soon (it always does after I have babies - don't worry it grow back) and I am wondering how this style is going to hold up. Perhaps I should take some nutritional supplements! I'd show you some pics but it is really hard to take a picture of your hair yourself. I will have Jake take a few and post them later.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday Thirteen....Happy Birthday To My Blog!!!
1. We have moved twice.
2. Both Jake & I changed careers several times (Me- houseparent to abstinence teacher to insurance sales girl to stay at home mom! Jake - houseparent to custodian to scanner guru/sales assistant for a company that sells stuff to power plants!)
3. Elise was a baby when I started this blog, now I have another baby and Elise is a big girl!
4. So much Blog Controversy (it seems so funny now) - I had a lady leave me a message on my cell concerning my blog questioning my character, I was reprimanded at work for writing that I was going to be going to part time and was worried about the money, I had a pastor of a church (not my church but a man that does know me) actually talk extensively (not in a good way) about MY BLOG in a Sunday morning service (my blog hits doubled after I didn't mind LOL).
5. We vacationed in the Outer Banks.
6. We've attended 3 weddings, 2 funerals, countless home parties and one Amish family reunion.
7. Jake & I have both been in the hospital.
8. We changed churches.
9. We've been to Tennessee & West Virginia (combined) about a dozen times.
10. Jake had one car accident ladder rack (that is if you don't count him running into the garage as a car accident!)
11. I've been to the gym 5 times (once was for a tour)!
12. I've attended 3 conferences and one concert!
13. We've potty trained, weaned, taken binkies and night time sippy cups. We've disciplined and laughed and watched our kids grow. We've went from cribs to big beds and have had a few sleepless nights. And it is all documented here! It's the best diary I've ever kept!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Jake...Traveling Pants
On another note...a friend of mine is having a mastectomy that same week. This Friday her friends are getting together for a Boob-Voyage Party. I think it is a great idea. She had breast cancer and was in remission but it came back so now they gotta go. I love that she has decided to celebrate and make the best of a bad situation. Someone is making a boob cake. Do you think I should take a gift? What would be appropriate? Well, this is a great week for me to attend a Boob Voyage party because I have mastitis and have been quite sick - NOT THAT I HAVE TIME TO BE ILL. Oh, well...sick or not, the kids need to eat and need their diapers changed.
Jude's "Pet"....
Later that day, Jude had went outside to play. I had been feeding Avery and noticed that Jude came back in and was being very quiet. I peeked in his room and saw him sitting on his bed just staring down at the carpet. I was very concerned....thinking he must have had a fight with one of his neighborhood friends or something. I asked him what was wrong and he said he couldn't find his "friend" and he missed him. He was talking about the toad! I explained to him that the toad is a wild animal and when we set him free he probably hopped away. He was very sad. Several times in the past few weeks he has even mentioned his toad.
This past weekend Jake was cleaning up the yard - getting it ready for winter- and guess what he found???? The toad. He has been living under our porch in our wood pile. Isn't that funny. Now he and Elise go out and visit him everyday. Yesterday I found them eating their snack under the porch just watching the toad sit there. My kids are odd. Oh, and I guess the toad's new name is Toady.
Her are some pics of Jude & Toady.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Do you know anything about this????
Seriously....if you know anything about this let me know!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
It's Monday...And I can't get much done.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
You've Already Forgotten....
Saved Some Money Sunday....
So, it looks like Fall is here. As much as I hate for the summer to end, I do love the fall. Yesterday was a perfect fall weather day. It was around 60 all day. The sun was shining and there were just a few clouds hanging in the sky. Just enough to be pretty. We spent a lot of the day shopping. It wasn't real fun shopping but duty shopping (groceries, socks, t-shirts, stuff like that). I did, however, go to JoAnns because they were have a Coupon Commotion sale. I spent more money that I really wanted to but it was all stuff for Christmas gifts. I did buy some $1 a yard fabric at WalMart. The sales lady noticed the car seat cover was made from fabric that they carried. She commented on how nice it was. Then we were chatting about sewing. She said the most peculiar thing...she asked me if I sewed because I had to or if I did it because I liked it!!!! How do you take a comment like that? Besides sewing isn't always cheap. But more on that some other time.
As for today...we are going to go to Church (I should be getting ready right now) and after lunch we may go the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and do this fun family thing. You take your digital cameras and they give you a list of things to take photos of. Then you show them your pics and they award prizes and stuff. I think it will be fun. A while back we sold our old digital camera. I wish we still had it. I would let Jude take his own pictures today (it was smaller and a little easier to handle). If any of the pics turn out nice I will post them.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Make it Yourself...I did!
Jake loves these things. He would drink them everyday - probably several times a day, if it was economical.
Well, being the resourceful woman I am, I looked on line and found several iced coffee recipes. Here is what I came up with after trying a few different recipes.
First I start with my morning coffee. I make coffee after Jake goes to work and I drink 2 large cups. I used to only make a half a pot and if there was any left I would water the plants with it (plants like coffee, too!!). Now I go ahead and make the full pot full of coffee. We have a 12 cup pot. Whatever is left after I am done with my A.M. coffee I save in the fridge for later. Here is the recipe I use.
4 cups leftover coffee
1 cup skim milk
1/3 cup french vanilla creamer (I use the Aldi fat free kind)
1/4 cup vanilla syrup (see recipe below)
Mix and pour over ice. It is seriously delicious.
Vanilla Syrup
2 cup H2O
1 1/2 cup sugar
Boil until sugar is dissolved.
Then add 3/4 tsp. vanilla
I put mine in a jar and keep it in the fridge.
You can also all a little caramel syrup. I bought some in the ice cream topping section and didn't really like the "caramel flavor" thing so I did attempt to make my own. I burned the first batch and the second batch I got to thick. When it hit the iced coffee it got real thick. Well, we ended up chewing it after drinking all our coffee.
I did find a recipe for a Caramel Macchiato - only if I had an espresso maker....
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Cheap? Frugal? Resourceful? Tacky? Desperate?
Last night, while talking with the neighbor she mentioned it was "extra" trash week. Since, we live in the suburbs we have these fancy trash cans that the trash truck comes by and picks up. Literally, the trash truck has a mechanical arm that reaches out and picks up the giant trash can. Everyone in our city has the same trash can. It is kinda weird. Anyhoo....since going to this particular type of can the city no longer picks up big trash items on a weekly basis. Instead they have designated two weeks in the spring & two in the fall as extra trash pick up weeks.
Now that I explained all that - back to my chat with the neighbor... She was happy because she was going to be able to put out her extra trash. I, on the other hand, was very excited because I like to drive around and look at other people's trash. I won't go off about how I feel Americans are so wasteful or anything right now but...I can't understand why people don't post things on Freecycle or take a short drive to one of the many thrift stores in our area and just donate the stuff....they'd rather fill the landfills! Ughhh!!! OK - enough of that. Jake is never too fond of the driving around thing. He says he is all for it but I think he is embarrassed or something. But last night we had to drop off library books so they wouldn't be late so I had the perfect excuse to go out and about. We all went, which, I must say did not leave a lot of room for loot. But we made out so well! We only drove down a few streets and found three great things. I can't wait to go back tonight!
Here are pics of other peoples trash!

Oh...this is the before "dirty" picture.

The kids were begging to go out and clean this all day! First, we cleaned & rearranged Elise's room to accommodate the "new" toy!

And last but not least....a Dora chair. It is brand new. Jude has a little folding chair like this and we've been saying we need to get Elise a lawn chair. Can you believe our luck? It looks brand new!

Think how much money we saved...literally hundreds. Here are a few tips if you plan to trash pick.
- Know your area and when the best times would be. Like I said - in our town we have designated weeks for big items. If you live near a college the end of semesters is a good time. Also, after Christmas is when people get new stuff and throw away their old things.
- Go in the evening. Most people take their garbage out after dinner.
- Don't go in the dark. You won't be able to see anything and people will think you are shady.
- If you see the "owners" outside or looking be friendly. If they look at you like you are crazy you may want to ask them if they mind. Otherwise, give them a wave and a thank you.
- If you want to be serious, take a truck. We don't have one.
- Don't leave a mess. Don't open trash bags and don't spread things out.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Elise's First Broken Heart....
Saturday, September 08, 2007
My New Blog....
I made PUMPKIN stuff from scratch!!! *UPDATED*
Later came on Friday when I searched Allrecipes ingredient search for canned pumpkin. I found a great cookie recipe that was for iced pumpkin cookies...those soft cake like yummy cookies you can get at the grocery store in the fall. They were so easy and I swear they were pumpkin cookie perfection. They didn't last long. The cookies only took a cup of pumpkin so I have a cup or so left. I haven't found a use for it yet. Any suggestions????
Here are the recipes.
Pumpkin Pancakes
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
¾ cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs
1 cup sour cream
3/4 cup milk
1 cup pumpkin, canned
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda and spices. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, adding yogurt, milk and pumpkin puree. Mix well. Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and stir until just blended. Spoon the batter onto a preheated, oiled griddle, using 1/4 cup batter for each pancake. Cook pancakes slowly over a low-medium heat for approximately 4-6 minutes, flipping after 3 minutes.
Makes eight servings.
- 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup butter, softened
- 1 1/2 cups white sugar
- 1 cup canned pumpkin puree
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 cups confectioners' sugar
- 3 tablespoons milk
- 1 tablespoon melted butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves, and salt; set aside.
- In a medium bowl, cream together the 1/2 cup of butter and white sugar. Add pumpkin, egg, and 1 teaspoon vanilla to butter mixture, and beat until creamy. Mix in dry ingredients. Drop on cookie sheet by tablespoonfuls; flatten slightly.
- Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Cool cookies, then drizzle glaze with fork.
- To Make Glaze: Combine confectioners' sugar, milk, 1 tablespoon melted butter, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Add milk as needed, to achieve drizzling consistency.
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
- 1 medium onion, finely chopped
- 1 cup yellow cornmeal
- 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon soda
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1 cup pumpkin puree
- 2 large eggs, slightly beaten
- 3/4 cup buttermilk
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Heat 1 tablespoon of the butter in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onion and saute for 5 minutes or until softened and golden brown.
Combine cornmeal, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Combine honey, pumpkin puree, eggs, buttermilk and the onion in another bowl.
Place remaining 3 tablespoons butter in a 9-by-9-by-2-inch square baking pan. Place in oven until butter is melted. Swirl pan to coat with butter.
Pour the melted butter into pumpkin mixture. Stir to combine. Add pumpkin mixture to dry ingredients. Stir just until evenly moistened. Place batter into pan, smooth top.
Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Junky Love in Freehand
I don't want to tell you.
Just go HERE & you can see for yourself!
If you don't look...You'll be missing out.
6 Weeks...The Story of Avery
Avery is a great baby. She is pleasant. She is a pretty good sleeper and only wakes up once a night. For the most part she eats and goes back to sleep but a couple of times this week she ate and wanted to stay up. That wasn't fun but at least she was crying (unless I laid her down). For some reason she WILL NOT go to sleep for me. I can try for like 45 minutes and she is still up cooing away. So, Jake has been helping out and rocking her to sleep. It seems to be working out. I appreciate the teamwork.
If you read yesterday's blog, you know we have been very busy with Avery. She just goes with the flow. So, that is nice. The other kids have adjusted well to her. It is so sweet how they want to hold her and "play" with her. Elise has finally realized Avery is a real person and hasn't tried to poke her in the eye or anything lately.
Here are some recent pictures of Avery. Isn't she a little doll?
BTW...If you were wondering which baby was which from my earlier post...Mamaw was correct!

Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thursday Thirteen....Things We Have Done Since Avery Was Born
1. Visited the Zoo.
2. Went on a bike ride.
3. Had a picnic (more than one).
4. Went to the library.
5. Went to a concert.
6. Walked around the neighborhood.
7. Went swimming (she didn't but the other kids did).
8. Took pictures at the park.
9. Canned salsa.
10. Shampooed the carpet.
11. Sewed 10 denim bags.
12. Handmade Thank You cards - I haven't mailed some, though - sorry about that, I will eventually.
13. Went grocery shopping (all 5 of us!)
As you can see, we've been busy!