Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday Thirteen....Things We Have Done Since Avery Was Born

Avery will be six weeks old tomorrow. We have done a lot in her short life. Here is a list.

1. Visited the Zoo.
2. Went on a bike ride.
3. Had a picnic (more than one).
4. Went to the library.
5. Went to a concert.
6. Walked around the neighborhood.
7. Went swimming (she didn't but the other kids did).
8. Took pictures at the park.
9. Canned salsa.
10. Shampooed the carpet.
11. Sewed 10 denim bags.
12. Handmade Thank You cards - I haven't mailed some, though - sorry about that, I will eventually.
13. Went grocery shopping (all 5 of us!)

As you can see, we've been busy!


Anonymous said...

Now I feel like I should go grab my godkids and head to the zoo. :)

Happy TT and Congrats on the baby. :D


Bubblegum109 said...

Avery is a beautiful name!

Bloggers said...

Enjoyed your post!! My little one is one today!
A fellow 13er!

Addicted to crafting said...

you guys have been busy!!!!