I am not getting paid for this review in case you were wondering.
I love going to the movies. I've mentioned it before. When I was single I would go to the movies several times a week. Many times I would go alone. I always knew what the latest movies were and knew the release dates of upcoming ones. I guess you could say I was a movie buff. Well...things change. We all have to grow up and get our priorities straight. I probably spent money for my bills on movies. Anyhoo. When Jake and I go to Tennessee we always go to the movies. The theater down there shows first run movies for $3 on the week-end and $1 during the week. We have been known to see more than one in a day. It also helps that we have my mom to watch the kids. The bad thing about the theater is that it usually plays movies that draws in a lot of teens. It is really the only thing for those kids to do down there besides drive around the pole (long story). When we got to TN on Friday I started looking to see what was playing. I

Now for the book review....

My sister recommended this book called "The Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult. I got it and devoured it in only three days. I stayed up late reading this book and found myself reading it in the middle of the night long after Avery was done eating. It is about this Amish family and a lawyer. That is really all I am going to tell you. The Amish family is an older order Amish. The author must have done a lot of research because she was pretty accurate about the Amish but...I will say she did sensationalize the whole "honesty" and "forgiving" aspect. She even talks about their gas lighting. Either way it is a great book. Yesterday I went to the library and got another book by the author. I will let you know if it is as good.
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