Sunday, November 25, 2007

Anyone Need Police Gear???

If you do I have a website for you. It is 511 tactical - a site where you can buy police type stuff. Before I went to the site I thought, "what the heck???" I was imagining you can purchase fake uniforms and badges. Wouldn't that be bad with all the homeland security stuff going on? Well, that isn't what the site is at all. There are uniforms but not like what you would think - the average person could wear them. The site also has accessories like sunglasses, gun holsters and footwear. My favorite part was (of course) the freebies section.

In case you couldn't tell....this post is sponsored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love my CoolCop! I can't imagine working without it.I have recommended it to many of my co-workers.Thanks a million!