Friday, November 02, 2007


My Mom says to me, "Since you started advertising on your blog people don't leave as many comments." Personally, I don't think it has anything to do with my "pandering" (as my friend JenF called it) but more with the fact that I haven't had time to comment much on other peoples blogs so they don't comment on my blog. The funny thing is - most of my regular readers don't leave comments. Steph comments the most but pretty much everyone else chooses to remain silent. I enjoy comments and I know there are readers who come back more than once a day to read the comments. Perhaps you should comment.

real estate


Anonymous said...

You're right again......I read everything you write but am too lazy to comment! Keep up the good work, I'll try to do better in the future.

Aunt D.

Anonymous said...

where are the halloween pix of my kids?

~Jacki said...

I comment when I have something to say. Otherwise, I just enjoy reading and learning from your blogs!

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I pander as well, but I don't care if they leave comments or not, I still see that everyone is showing up, and I get paid, so there. keep writing, I wouldn't read it if you didn't.

Stephanie Appleton said...

Um looks like having a contest got people to leave comment! :)