Friday, March 03, 2006


Jake and I watched a movie called "Saved" a few weeks ago. It is about these kids that attend this Baptist High School. The trailer for the movie shows this girl (Mandy Moore) throwing a Bible at this other girl and saying "I am filled with God's love". I thought it looked interesting and had wanted to see it for some time now. Well, we watched it and it brought back a lot of crazy memories of some similar experiences I had in the church I grew up in. But as I was watching it I thought, I wonder if someone who doesn't know me or my friends from church would see us the same way I am seeing people in this movie. The movie portrays these Christians as fake and freakish about their faith. I thought about it for a while then I came to a conclusion that people wouldn't think that because we don't go around saying "Praise God" or carrying our Bible with us. I have never seen anyone denounce the devil or saw anyone raise their hand and say anything like "in the name of Jesus Christ". But it is funny how people form opinions or perceive others.

I love to blog. Tim started his blog sometime last year and after reading it sporadically for some time I decided to start my own blog. I love to share my thoughts and opinions. I love to write. I love having a platform. I love that I can write about anything. It doesn't have to be a certain length. I don't have to choose a side...I can change my opinion mid blog if I want. I don't have to worry about using proper grammar, as long as it sounds good and it keeps people interested. Since I started my blog a ton of my friends and family have also started blogs. I have enjoyed it so much. I feel like I am seeing a side of others I haven't seen before. People really open up when they are just writing.

So, I was talking to my friend today. She doesn't go to church and she reads my blog on a regular basis. She also reads some of the blogs I have linked to my page. During our conversation and I came to the conclusion that because we often times write about spiritual matters in our blogs she sees us the way I see the people when I in "Saved". I don't know what to do to make it different. I have only talked to her about church or God when she has brought up the subject. I have not been pushy by any means. I think I have been the same old me. Just a cleaner version. I know a few other people have mentioned God to her. She took it as preaching rather than giving her another option. No one I know would ever push their faith on another person. People talk about it because they are so excited about the changes they have seen in their own life and they want everyone to know what it is like. You don't have to be like the lady on wife swap to be a Christian. You can still be you. I don't know. I have mixed feelings about all this and I feel a little sad.


Anonymous said...

zsuloI think you are doing your friend a favor by sharing your faith in a casual way. You may be the seed that makes her turn to christ.

You should not be sad about how you come across to your friend,
it is up to her how she receives the good news.


Stephanie Appleton said...

I think we would be being fake if we didn't share how we felt or what we were experiencing.
All we can do is speak truth (of course in a tactful, loving, non-Bible thumping way!) and we can not control how it is received.