Sunday, March 12, 2006

Taking the Initiative...

That is what today's message was about. It was really good because I think it hit home with a lot of people. I am a mover and shaker. I have rarely had a problem when it comes to taking the initiative. I've always been one to take life by the horns. Either way, it was still good to hear the message and be reminded. I am going to give you the main points and then I am going to link you to a story he told us today. Hopefully it will be yet another reminder to LIVE OUT LOUD! Live life to the fullest everyday. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow.

Taking the Initiative...
1. Seize the moment.
-Stop Procrastinating
- You might not be here tomorrow.
2. Tame your FEAR!
-Most people fear rejection or disapproval! You may be missing out on major things because of this fear!
3. Announce your FAITH.
4. Receive God's GRACE.
-You have to accept God's grace. (This is very hard for some.)
5. Take the next step!

Here is the story.

So that was the message today. It was good. We went to my sister's house afterwards. We took Justiene and Russ. It was fun. I think Justiene was sick of us by the end of the night. We were with her (and Russ) almost the entire week-end. My mom cooked a huge meal and we all left a little fatter. Melanie stopped over for a few minutes. I made yet another plea for her to move to the Summit County area. She said she may think about it but I don't think she ever takes me too seriously. I think she thinks I want her to move her just for her benefit. She doesn't realize it would be good for me too. I miss her. But enough ramblings for now. Have a great day!

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