Monday, January 16, 2006

I Dated A Cello...

You probably weren't expecting me to talk about an ex-boyfriend after that last post, were you? Well, my blog is funny like that. I kind of get an idea in my head about what I want to blog about...then life happens and that stuff is usually just more interesting than the other stuff. So, I used to think someday I would write a book. I think I have lots of good "chick lit" material. Seriously, crazy stuff has happened to me. I thought I could title it "To All the Boys I Loved Before" (yes I see Jake and Applehead rolling their eyes right now!). Each Chapter Title would be the name of some boy I dated or liked. There were actually a significant few, I adored from afar but never had the guts to let them know. Guys who I was friends with and who I KNEW liked me but I had no confidence. I know that is hard to believe because you all know I am very full of myself now. Ha ha ha ha. Not really, I just fake it really well. Either way, back to my book...I don't think I will write a book because I know what will happen. The book will become famously popular and one of the guys would want to seek revenge for the heartbreak I caused and he'd write a counter book telling my public stuff that no one needs to know. So there goes my book. But my blog, although gaining popularity, will probably not fall into the hands of any of my ex-loves. So I think I am going to designate Mondays to talk about these men from my past. I won't give their real names. I will use an alias or given nick-name. Not pet names (yuck!). I discussed this with my husband and he is, of course, okay with it...other wise you wouldn't be reading it right now.

I didn't really date a cello but I dated a cellist. But to be honest, I dated him because he played the cello, so essentailly, I dated a cello. I remember the first time I saw him. I was at LCCC and he was walking across campus with this cello on his back. I was sitting with in "the lounge" with some friends and they said they knew him. I knew I had to meet him. A cellist? I was already in love. Just a little background info. I have always had a thing for musicians, although most of them are really wierd. Well, it wasn't long before Mr. Cello and I were a hot couple. No one could believe it. He was NOTHING like me. For starters, he was a member of MENSA. You have to have some super high IQ to get into that group. He thought on a different level. He was very introverted. To an extreme. But he loved his cello. He'd practice until his fingers bled. It was his obsession. The more he obsessed, the more I liked him. We spent our time together watching orchestras and "high art" music. I learned the differnce between Baroque and Classical. He also played in rock band. A cello in a rock band (oh man, I LOVED that cello). He never talked. Well, he talked to me but he wouldn't say anything to anyone else. I bet there are a few people reading this blog right now who remember him and remember being around him but never heard him talk. And if he did talk you couldn't understand exactly what he was talking about because he was so intelligent that he was socially inept. He has some mental issues and I am a fixer. I wanted to fix him and help him. It was draining. We dated for a year. He proposed to me on Christmas, in front of his family. I said yes, not because I wanted to marry him but because I didn't want to end it with him. I was 21. On New Year's Eve we got into the worst argument because I talked to his friends and he didn't like that. (Hello, do you know me? I talk to everyone!?) Things went downhill fast. We did have fun. He wrote me a song and recorded it with him playing the cello and guitar. I just threw it away when we moved last October. And, no, I didn't listen to it.

Well, my sister came home from college in May or June. She was dating Ivan (who she has been married to 8 years). Mr. Cello accused me of being in love with Ivan. Yes, take a moment to is ridiculous. We had a series of break ups that finally ended with him breaking up with me and telling me I was too social for him. He said he wanted a girlfriend who didn't have friends or talk to other people. He was serious. He broke my heart. No one understood what I saw in him. I can't really explain it. He tried to get me back for a long time. It was hard because we had planned to go to Kent together and we lived in the same dorm, three floors from each other. He would leave me crazy letters (see, letters from D.S.). I lost touch with him when I moved from Peninsula to Cuyahoga Falls. So, he tried for 6 or 7 years to get me back. Wow.

Either way, are you wondering why I picked Mr. Cello first? He is not the most interesting story. But today, we took Jude to see The Incredibles on Ice and I ran into Mr. Cello's best friend. He was with his wife and kids. I haven't run into any of that crowd for about 8-9 years. They said that Mr. Cello is living in Akron. Yes...that is what I said. He isn't from this area so I was a little suprised. He has never dated anyone since me. He is getting his Masters and TEACHES undergrad Math. I know, I can't imagine. I have a box of pictures of this man I have been carrying around with me, hoping to someday send them to his mother. She moved. I think I will send them to return address of course. He asked me for them once, while we were in college, but I said No.

It took me a LONG time to even listen to cello music after the break up. I had a very hard time differentiating the two. I finally got over it. I even bought a Yo Yo Ma CD. I do love the cello. It is my favorite. I can say that now.


Jake said...

Well....... I guess I should have played the cello and you wouldn't have turned me down three times.

delilah said...

You may not have played the cello but you did have that Amish thing going for you...

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how God puts other romantic relationsips in your life to prepare you for your eventual one and only.


delilah said...

Oh Yes, that God has a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

You're right. I was shaking my head, rolling my eyes and then some from the first paragraph.I would count your two blogs as your book. It sounds like you have a pretty big head, but I know you better then that. Did I mention I know how to play the cello too? I think you knew that but I had to say it.Stop teasing Jake about being Amish.....

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

That was me I don't know why it came up anon..

delilah said...

Yes, I knew you played the cello. You told me you were looking to pick up a used one (a while ago). I was a little uncomfortable with it a first BUT that is when I realized, I could still love the cello and NOT like that guy. And I will never stop teasing Jake about being is all I have.

delilah said...

Oh, and you did borrow my Yo Yo Ma CD before. I think you gave it back. I better check.

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

Yes I did get that CD back to you thanks...