Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Is ANYONE Paying Attention?

That is the phrase of the week. I mentioned to you that I am back in the inner city this week. I am going CRAZY. It started with the first class of the day. Here is how it went...The class comes in they are running around, hitting each other, talking very loud, throwing stuff, etc... The bell rings. I begin to talk. A kid walks in late. I wait until they say all their hellos and finish with their disruption. Then two more kids come in late. This goes on for 10 minutes! The teacher doesn't say a word. No verbal warnings, No detentions, Nothing. I guess kids at this school don't have to follow the rules. So, everyone is finally in their seats. Two boys are discussing the latests shoes in the Eastbay catalog. I ask him to put it away. He says, "No I am just looking." I tell him it isn't a choice, he needs to pay attention, if he doesn't put it away I will take it from him." He refuses so I take it from him. He freaks out. I thought he was going to punch me. He was thinking about it. He runs his mouth for a moment or two then realizes his friends think he is being a jerk so he settles down. Today we were talking about Parenting. We talk about what it takes to be a parent. I put a video in and they actually did a great job paying attention. After the movie, I say, "So, what did you think?" This kid says, "I think it was SHI*". In front of the teacher and everyone else. No punishment. So that class leaves and in comes my sixth graders. They are louder than the others (and wilder). Ten minutes after the bell rings and a HUGE lecture about respect and acting your age (from me....not the teacher) they sit and we begin class. Today was Anatomy & Puberty day for the 6th graders. Well, you can imagine how that went. I started off by telling them we were going to use PROPER terms in the class. No slang. My first question was, "What is puberty?" This kid raises his hand (doesn't wait for me to call on him) and says, "When you get hair on your Balls." (I hope no one is offended by this, I just want you to get a real life feel for these kids) The kid started laughing and wouldn't stop. This went on for like 5 minutes. I told him he had to go to the hall. He stood by the door laughing very loud. I told him he needed to stop or he would have a consequence. He laughed. I sent him to the principal's office. I have NEVER done something like that but I could not even talk because he was doing this loud fake laugh. So, I tell the kids, I am there to teach them something valuable and if they weren't interested in listening I would leave and spend my time doing something more meaningful. They started to listen. We talk about the diffent changes that occur during puberty. They made it through the "sex talk", errections and even wet dreams but when they had to say the proper term for breasts.... They couldn't handle it. Every boy in the class started yelling out all these slang terms for Breasts. Now, if you were a fly on the wall, this would have been hysterical (watermelons, jugs, boobies, ti**ies, MILK SPOUTS-with hand motions) but I didn't even crack a smile. They never pulled it back together because before I could get them settled down, the principal sent the other kid back because she didn't have time to deal with was picture day and she had to have her picture made. Do you realize this was only my second class. I had three more to go. None of the other ones ever went any better. After I basically yelled at them and told them I cared about them and I thought they really needed to hear what I had to say, but if they couldn't show a little respect...I'd leave, then they would listen. Either way, I will be so happy to go to a different school next week.


Jake said...

It's a wonder why inner city schools do worse than other schools. But, you can not just blame it all on the schools. The parents of these kids must take responsibility and take an active roles in their child's education. I do not envy Delilah going to inner city schools and am actually concerned for her safety when she has to be the disciplinarian in the class room.

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I concur with Jake and again wonder why niether Stephanie or myself are teaching anymore. and live in the middle of nowhere and homeschool our children.

delilah said...

Don't worry...I love my job but I do have a new career in the horizans. I am reading the book "Cure for the Common Life" and feel inspired. If Jake gets this new job I think it can work...more on all that later.

amyd76 said...

I teach at an inner city school. It isn't fun. It is hell...literally. I have 6 and 7 year olds. Out of 18 students, I have four who should be in the behavior disorder class. FIRST GRADE!!!!! I do not blame the students at all. I blame their parents. When a child is taught nothing at home, has barely any interaction with an adult, and the little bit that they do have is that "parent" letting the child know just how unwanted and a burden he or she is, how can we expect anything more from them? I've had first graders tell me that they don't want to be anything when they grow up, they'll just do what their mom does and collect their check. It's very difficult to even do your job. These parents don't value education at all. They see us as a free babysitting service. Nice, huh? On the other hand, knowing that you may have a positive impact on a child's life that leaves a lasting impression helps...even if it's just one kid. And, yes, inner city schools do worse than other schools. Because the kids are stupid? NO. It's because, along with being their teacher, we're having to take on the added responsibilities of nurse, counselor, and even parent. Often, the only positive communication that a child gets in a day is from their teacher. I try to keep that in mind when I'm about to blow a gasket. Anyway, sorry this comment is longer than most blogs. It's nice to know that others feel the same way.

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

It's hard to teach children whose parents ask "well I at I got 'em to school, what else do you want me to do about it?"
besides the whole living without the life of christ, the root of the problem here is Kids having kids. It started with my mom having me at 18, and just spiraled down form there. I could write a whole blog on why kids act the way they do.

Anonymous said...

I admire your persistence with trying to enforce discipline when the other teachers could not be bothered.

You have more patience than I do.
What is your new career??


Justiene said...

I just wanted to say that this sort of goes along with what you have posted for today. I would really appreciate it if you could talk to Kaylin. I don't mean to give you more work especially unpaid, but things at her mom's house are really starting to concern me. Just yesterday she was left alone with her uncle who is 16 (mom's brother) and his friend who is 18. And just last weekend they were drinking beer that the mom's boyfriend gave to them and then left Kaylin at home with them. So anyways, she was supposed to come over today because she doesn't have school tomorrow but that 18 yr old is spending the night there so she doesn't want to come over. Her mom gets off work at like 11pm and her boyfriend goes to pick her up and leaves kaylin, the uncle and the friend and the 3 yr old baby there while he goes. Please give me some advice or something that I can do. More about it on my blog.