Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Updates and Yada Yada....

You may be happy to know that we got our step today!!!! The buckets of dirt are gone, we have a step, Jude's closet has a door, and the fix it guy said he will be coming back to fix the floor, trim, nails, etc... So, I guess the letter was pretty effective, to say the least. But now she is mad at us and not talking to us. It doesn't make sense. Like I continuously say, people don't want you to state the obvious. She knew those things had to be done. She knew we wanted the things done. She knew she had an obligation to fix the stuff. But she didn't want me to say it. I think we were patient for three months.

On another topic, you may have read in Jake's blog that we are looking for new jobs. I will be making some sort of transition probably closer to summer and hopefully Jake will be changing jobs even sooner. I have been seriously been considering a career change. I love the "service" field but I need to make my time away from my kids worth my while. I have been torn for a long time. Jake had mentioned a job where I would be traveling. I have very MIXED feelings about the whole situation but honestly, that is not the job I am going to be doing. I have a couple of other things in mind. I will keep you updated as things come about.

Well, we have Christmas with the Millers coming up this week-end. I am still working on the gifts. I have A LOT of work to do tommorow after work: finish 2 gifts, shop for at least one more gift, wrap ALL gifts I am taking, pack, etc... I had two extra weeks and I am still rushing. I did take my Christmas tree down last night but I am trying to stay in the Christmas spirit. Hopefully it all goes off without a hitch but that is highly unlikely.

Other than those things, life is going well. The kids are great...and getting cuter and smarter each day.


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

We still have a boat load of things to do as well. Stephanie was in bed all day yesterday sick and puking her guts out and I had to come home and take care of the kids and what not so not much got done for this weekend either. we will see.

Anonymous said...

Idea for a topic -- list of things you made this Christmas. Might trigger some more creativity elsewhere!
Have a great time this weekend, everybody!
Aunt Nancy

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

me and my dad to wraap jude`s gift to-day(jan. 6) and finish it(panit eyes malth( how you like to not have a malth) put ears on befor you guys get her)
