Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Jake's Deep Thought...

Jake wrote this a while ago... I thought I would share it. Some of you may have read it before.

The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. Thedisciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it:"Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and me.These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in." Mark 10:14-15 (The Message)

I am certain we are all somewhat familiar with the above verse. I know I have heard and read it several times during the course of my life as a Christian. But what does it really mean? I thought I had an idea of what it meant and I did to a certain extent. You need tobe like a child to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Be like a child? How does one accomplish such a feat? As we were growing up I'm sure at one point or another we were told that we were acting like a child(sometimes Delilah says I still act like a child) ;-). When we were told this it was usually because we were having a temper tantrum for some reason or another. Some of us have children the rest of us don't. For those of us that have children, have you just sat and watched them play by themselves? I have watched Jude from afar (well not really from that far away, he is in the sun room and I am in the living room) as so not to bother him. I have sneaked into his room when he is suppose to be taking anap but instead he his playing in his bed, singing to himself, reading a book (he really can't read, that I know of), playing with his matchbox cars, etc. It is an amazing thing to watch a child at play. For the rest of us that don't have children I encourage you to visit ahouse that has children and just watch them play by themselves, I am sure you will understand what I'm trying to get at here. They play without a worry in the world, carefree. It is just their toys and them.We have all at one point asked God to speak to us. I have been doing a lot of this lately. Last night at our church, we had a praise andworship concert. I took Jude with me because he loves music and his baby sitter is a lead singer in the band. When the music started to play Jude was dancing around and clapping his hands, before I knew ithe was in the aisle having a grand ole time. At one point I lookedover at Jude dancing in the aisle and he had his hands lifted up to to God praising him. I thought it was kind of odd that he was doing that because our Sunday morning worship is not even close to raising our hands. There was a gentleman and a women sitting across the aisle from me. The gentleman had his hands raised in praise. Jude was mimicking what the gentleman was doing. At this point the above verse became so much clearer to me and it took God using Jude to clarify itf or me. After last night I believe as Christians we ought to praise God without a care in the world. Like a child at play. We shouldn't be concerned with what others might think about us praising God.



delilah said...

For some reason when I copy and pasted this it took out some of the spaces. I will fix it later.


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

hey ant dilaya why did you post what uncke jake posted


Justiene said...

When I was 17 and about to turn 18 I just wanted to crawl in a hole and not let anyone find me, because with that dredded 18 (at least for me) was more worry, responsibility, work and all that yucky adult stuff. Everyone I knew wanted to be 18 so that way they could do all those things. Today I still get down and play because I think at that time I am closest to God, because nothing else matters to me. Innocence is bliss when you are a child.

Anonymous said...

does your husband want to become a minister or something?

Jake said...

Funny that you should ask that. I have pondered it.

delilah said...

You can have a deep, spiritual thought without becoming a religious leader. I don't think I would make a very good "preachers wife".

Anonymous said...

Delilah, this is one time I think you are WRONG! (I know you can't believe I said that) I think you would be a wonderful "Preachers wife". No matter, if God should honor Jake with a call to the ministry, He would also equip you. What a great honor that would be, God doesn't make mistakes!

Love you 4,
Aunt Debbie

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're wrong about that. All your blogs are about family, and God, and atoning for some of your mistakes and what not. It already sounds as if that is the path you may be on. You should encourage your husband to pursue it. It may be his true calling.

delilah said...

I didn't know this would spark a controversy. I've read how the bible describes a pastor's wife...I don't think I fit the description. I think I have and will continue to grow spiritually but I think I will probably always we a loud mouth instigator. If Jake truely feels that it his life's calling I will be 100% supportive but he didn't say it was...he was just pondering it. Pondered, as he loving told me this morning after (alarmed) I woke him up to discuss this with him.