Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Best Day of My Life

There is this man from my church who wrote this little story about himself and gave it to the Pastor. He wrote it because he can't talk. He has had all kinds of problems: cancer, his wife left him, had to have his voice box removed, etc... He said each day when he wakes up he thinks, "This is the Best Day of my life!" I think that is such a good attitude. We should all be like that...grateful for everyday we have. If we knew we were going to die (well, we all know we will die, we just don't know when) we would live life to the fullest and each day would be the best day of our lives. But...we forget. I have been having a bad week (since last week). Things are getting better but now: I am sick...not in a demented mental health kind of way. In a not feeling well, sore throat, can't talk, coughing, have a fever kind of way. My kids are sick. Justiene is sick. Jake is the only healthy one. Usually, he gets sick with the kids and I am fine. Not this time. It really stinks for a couple of reasons: 1. I was going to start a diet today. One that did not include cough drops and salt water. 2. I am supposed to be at a school where the state lady will be observing me tomorrow. I have NO idea what these kids will be like because it will be my first meeting with them. 3. I needed to go shopping today to buy something to wear tomorrow. 4. I hate to call off. I would probably still go but I don't think my voice is going to make it.

Last night I went to this Valentine's Tea at our church. It was nice. It was mostly older women (a handful of the younger gals). Anyways, after the thing this one girl asked me if I was mad at her. She said I gave her a dirty look and I hadn't been talking to her. I felt really bad. I hadn't noticed we hadn't talked because we don't always talk. And I certainly didn't mean to give her a dirty look. I was probably thinking about something else (with a sour look on my face) and she walked by or something. Plus I was really REALLY busy on Sunday...distracted and trying to do 10 things at once. But either way, I was glad she asked me about it, instead of just ignoring me or talking about me. Everything is okay now. It made me think that maybe other people think that I am mad at them or something at times. There was this one lady, who I thought for a long time was mad at me for something but I didn't say anything to her. I know that isn't like me but I just didn't want to have the confrontation. Now, I think maybe I made it all up in my head....maybe she thought I was mad at her! Women are so difficult (I know that is a generalization and I include myself). I know, personally, I have been hurt in many of my female friendships so I tend to keep people at an arm's length sometimes. That is something I am going to work on. Sometimes I say too much, and other times, I don't say enough. Sometimes I'll surprise you with something extraordinarily nice one minute , and then I will forget your birthday (I am really bad about that - it is a Wright girl thing, my sister does it too). I am still learning.

On another note: My coworker, Mel, is at that awful school I was at a few weeks ago. You know, the one I had to walk out of and they stole my candy! Well, she is there, so keep her in your thoughts. Hopefully she will have a better experience than me. She will have different kids but the same teacher!

Hey, have the BEST DAY of your life!


Stephanie Appleton said...

Some of my worst jobs were where it was mostly women! I never really got in the middle of stuff but there was always so much drama and catiness!

delilah said...

Women can be catty...in this case, I think I was probably in the fault. Maybe a little insensitive? But overall, yes drama with women. I will say this, I have had a group (Heather, Shawna, Melanie and Amy...even Tiffany until the end) of long time friends that I really never had too much drama with (none of the jealousy, back stabbing stuff). I think it is bored women that really get caught up in that stuff! Ha. ha.

Anonymous said...

Ok here is my two cents worth (if it equals that much). Now im not trying to be mean or sexist Im going from me experince at work. Women cause drama to get attention and they make the littles things seem so dramatic that some of them should be in hollywood. The ones that dont really want any attention you very rarely hear a word out of them. I know probly half the womens names in prison and the only reason I know them is because they cause some drama at one point or the other. The other half i couldnt tell you where they live on the compound let alone their names just because they dont want any drama. Guess thats just prison.


amyd76 said...

You know, I've never really been a overly dramatic person. It doesn't get you anywhere and it's boring...kind of like the bored women that seem to thrive on it. Now, I'm not saying that I don't like some good gossip now and then, but catty stuff, nope.

delilah said...

I have definately been a drama queen at times...I try to avoid those episodes but sometimes I can't help myself. Mostly my incidents have surrounded one person in particular throughout my adult life. I can't seem to stay away...I think I will blog about it at a later date.

Justiene said...

I feel the same way when it comes to friendships with women. I have been hurt way more times from other girls than I have from boys. It has been really hard for me to talk to other women because I don't even know what to say. I cant believe how many friends or women I have been talking to lately though because of the situation I just left. It just wouldn't have come out the same way from a guy. Althought I appreciate their muscles and strength when it comes to moving they were also very nice and made me feel better.