Saturday, February 11, 2006

KSU: Prentice Hall

It is very early in the morning and I am wide awake. The kids have had a rough night. Currently everyone is sleeping peacefully so I thought I would do a little writing.

I mentioned last week that I might start telling you my Kent State drama on Saturdays... What do you think? Do you want to hear this stuff? You have to let me know. Read my first installment and decide if you want more.

When I graduated from High School I went to Lorain County Community College. I didn't want to go to a community college but my mom insisted. Looking back I am glad I did. I made great friends, had a lot of fun and actually learned something. I took more than the typical 2 years at LCCC. After I graduated with my Associates degree I stuck around because "The Cello" (if you are new to "The Miller Way" you will have to read a previous post titled "I dated a cello") had not graduated and he begged me not to leave him. So, I stayed at LCCC another year. Stupid, I know, I knew it at the time but didn't care because, you know...I was in LUVVVV. So, I arrived at KSU as a 21 year old junior. I was footing the bill for this education endeavor so I opted to go the cheapest route, which meant I would be sharing a dorm with a freshman. Sometime during the summer I received my room-mate assignment. Some girl from somewhere. Not important. I ran into some friends from High School and an old friend, Eric told me his girlfriend, (we'll call her Blondie) was also going to Kent in the fall. I asked him what dorm she would be in....he said "Prentice". Great, same dorm, I'll give her a call. By the next week we had made arrangements to oust our assigned dorm-mates and share a space ourselves. I was excited. Blondie was this beautiful, funny, nice girl. She didn't drink or do drugs. She had been dating Eric for years. She was a freshman but settled. I liked it. Well, I was working at this resturant that summer. Two weeks before we would be leaving for college this girl I worked with said, Hey, I saw your future room-mate in The Flats. She was drunk and dancing on a bar. Apparently, she and Eric broke up. She was a "Girl Gone Wild".

Now let me describe Blondie to you. She was gorgeous. In fact, she looked like Pamela Anderson. Every where we went, every guy she met, liked her (or lusted after her) and wanted her. They would ALL confide in me. I can't tell you how many college boys have said to me, "Your room-mate looks just like Pamela Anderson." No....really? I never noticed. Duh. Blondie was also crazy. She was loud and crude. She once woke me up from a dead sleep to show me (yes show me) that you could light your farts on fire (you can, but I don't recommend it because it is probably dangerous). She belched like a man and she had a formula for helping her poop if constipated: she would rock back and forth, while sitting (on the pot) and yell "Wheats!!!". I don't know why? She said it worked. I never tried it. We all heard her yelling "Wheats" every now and then. She always talked about her bathroom habits. If you remember, I would only use the "private/ visitors bathroom". She'd talk about this stuff in front of guys and they'd like her more. She was like a man in Pam Anderson's body. Great. Although she was crude like this she was very girly. She loved lip gloss and painted her toe nails. I arrived in Kent in my Doc Martens and t-shirt wardrobe. She taught me a few things (Including how to bong a beer.) My friends back home, teased me.

Have you ever been in a college dorm room? Ours was 10x12 (I think). That is not a lot of space for 2 girls. I went home the first week-end. When I returned Blondie had painted the room hot pink. I was in a very anti-pink stage of my life. I mostly wore black (still wear a lot of it) and shuttered at the thought of hot pink walls. I tried my best to cover them with my black & whites of Johnny Depp and Tori Amos. In October, Blondie and I decided to have a big our room. I have no idea what we were thinking. We ended up in the dorm room next to us with a ton of people. Me, Blondie, Veronica, Eileen, Guy, Duane, Shawn, McCoy, Chad, Don L., Ryan S., Brian T., Heather, maybe Amy (were you there?) all in a little 10x12 room. We weren't allowed to have alcohol in our dorm because it was for freshmen. Blondie and I went to the store and I bought a ton of beer and wine coolers. We snuck it in backpacks. Clink, clink, clink the whole way into the room. We weren't very discrete. Sometime that evening a security guard was walking by and heard us all in the room. He knocked and asked if he could come in. We refused him entry (exercising our rights...that's what you do at Kent, right?). He said he saw a wine cooler. Veronica told him it was hers. He told her to go with him. She followed him down the hall, chugging her wine cooler as she walked. They get to the laundry room, where he is going to make her dump it out. It was empty. He said, "where did it go?". She said in a little baby doll (drunk) voice, "I dranked it all." We lost it. I don't remember what happened after that but she did get written up.

By Thanksgiving I had enough of the freshman life. I choose to move to a new dorm. Blondie and I remained friends and she often came over to visit me in Leebrick Hall. She dated a guy from my floor, Gus. She flunked out after her first year. Too bad. I never saw her again. We have crossed paths many times but never actually ran into one another. I think she still lives in Vermilion.


Papaw said...

5 in the emorning? and you think I'm crazy? Keep writing!

Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I thought 7 was early. That story is funny, I wouldn't mind hearing more...
I was in a dorm for only one semester. Then Oh, yeah I moved out because I got married...

delilah said...

It is 8:20ish and I am ready for a nap. I did get some stuff done. That's nice.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your stories! They always make me laugh. I think the idea of Saturday being KSU day is as good as teh ex-boyfriend Monday one. I'll always keep reading as long as you keep posting!

Anonymous said...

Good story i've heard a lot of party stories from you but whats a few more. lol


Anonymous said...

Did you end up with a normal roomate next time?

delilah said...

I got at room by myself. I guess that could be considered normal.

Anonymous said...

Its really not fair that you "publish" my name attached to comments that are not all true...I have NEVER danced on a bar, nor "lit my farts on fire"...if you remember correctly, that was Elaine and Veronica. Yes, I was 18...young, impressionable and silly. I am now almost thirty, engaged to Brian Konery and living a more settled life much like yourself. Being that this is a public site, I don't think its right that someone as level headed as you shed such a poor picture of someone (me) who felt you were a great person. I was not in the right place at the right time. I had been out of my hometown element...small, quiet, Vermilion. And just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years (a very upsetting experience) and thrown into an environment that turned my existence upside down. You were the only person I kind of "knew". I may not have conducted myself in a manner that is favorable in either of our eyes...but I certainly wouldn't judge you based on one the most humbling and morally challenging experiences you may have had like Kent was for me. Although Kent may not have been the right choice for me at that time in my life, I am a college graduate and have a great job with a positive future. I've reminisced with Brian about my experience at Kent and have never uttered a bad word of you, Delilah. I'm sorry you have such a poor, and skewed view of me. Especially when we left off in a good note. Blogging can be liberating, but can also hurt when one doesn't intend. Be careful of what you say of others in a forum of this nature, it's not comforting to see a negative portion of your life published for everyone to see. Congratulations on your family. It's too bad we had to "meet" again in this manner, I would've other wise welcomed the chance for us to reconnect.

delilah said...

Brandy, I wish I had your email address to send you a private comment. I am sorry you took this in a bad way. I re-read it and honestly the way it was intended was to be funny and remember you fondly. I was not trying to paint an ugly picture of you. I thought I even complimented you. My story was honest. I was told you were seen dancing on a it is true or not I don't know and I am sure I told you about it long ago. Either way, you were young and by no means was I trying to judge you. I think writing about the past is just that, the past. When I added your name I didn't ever dream in a million years anyone from Vermilion would be reading my blog. I will go back and edit out your name. I am sorry for hurting your feelings. I always loved you and remember you being very generous and so much fun. I don't have bad thoughts about you, sorry that's how you interpreted it.

Anonymous said...

ALL of this is absolute garbage and LIES. I have asked you politely to remove this on numerous occasions over the years as it is public and damaging to my reputation to ZERO response. NONE of these things you claimed to have happened actually happened. I am now forced to take further action if you do not remove this post.