Monday, February 27, 2006


Time is nothing
But imaginary space
Marked by events
That stimulate emotion.

I wrote that while I was in high school. I have been thinking about time. I have always been able to juggle many things at once and I seem to manage my time wisely. Lately, I feel like I don't have enough time. Being sick for a week (and still not back to normal) set me back. Now the kids are sick (fever, snot, etc...). I am tired. So, I haven't had much time to blog or call my friends. If you haven't heard from me in a while, that is why. I am swamped and exhausted.

To give you a quick update. Justiene moved into her own apartment on Saturday. I am so happy for her to start a new life. I just hope she stays strong and continues to make a better life for herself.

We had a fun week-end. My mom was still here so we went shopping (of course). Then we went to the Sluka's for a fun evening. We played Battle of the Sexes...which I am just horrible at! I didn't know half the girl stuff! Sunday we went to church. Afterwards, Russ & Justiene joined us for lunch. So that was cool. We like having people over. We had some serious conversation about Jake going into the ministry (another blog for another day...).

Okay, Jude is hungry....gotta go.


Stephanie Appleton said...

I don't know about you but I am tired of sickness! It is so hard to catch up once you are behind!

Anonymous said...

So now are Russ and Justiene dating??

delilah said...

What??? No....They just met and I don't know if either of them are thinking like that at all. I am staying out of it. When Justiene starts dating again, I will be sure to let everyone know.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Okay.. you never mentioned them being over in the same sentence before so I thought you were working your magic! lol.