Tuesday, February 28, 2006
National Sacher Torte Day....
Is Anything Sacred?
Either way, if you are part of my life you will eventually end up in my blog. That doesn't mean I am going to write something bad about you or get a laugh at your expense. I am not cruel. I am just like to share my life experiences. That's my nature. So please don't be offended.
Monday, February 27, 2006
The Polish Guy....
That's it for ex-men Monday.
But imaginary space
Marked by events
That stimulate emotion.
I wrote that while I was in high school. I have been thinking about time. I have always been able to juggle many things at once and I seem to manage my time wisely. Lately, I feel like I don't have enough time. Being sick for a week (and still not back to normal) set me back. Now the kids are sick (fever, snot, etc...). I am tired. So, I haven't had much time to blog or call my friends. If you haven't heard from me in a while, that is why. I am swamped and exhausted.
To give you a quick update. Justiene moved into her own apartment on Saturday. I am so happy for her to start a new life. I just hope she stays strong and continues to make a better life for herself.
We had a fun week-end. My mom was still here so we went shopping (of course). Then we went to the Sluka's for a fun evening. We played Battle of the Sexes...which I am just horrible at! I didn't know half the girl stuff! Sunday we went to church. Afterwards, Russ & Justiene joined us for lunch. So that was cool. We like having people over. We had some serious conversation about Jake going into the ministry (another blog for another day...).
Okay, Jude is hungry....gotta go.
Friday, February 24, 2006
I am feeling better...not 100% yet. Going to the grocery store and salon pretty much wore me out. My voice is about 50% and I sound "sultry" (as one person described). I think I sound like a man, pretending to be a woman. I will be back to work on Monday...hopefully as good as new. If it wasn't for the being sick part, it was nice to be home all week. I think the kids have liked having us both here. There seems to be less attention getting behaviors! I just have to hold out until the end of May! Then I can be a stay at home mom again!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Insomnia in a House FULL of People...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Mom to the Rescue...
I actually got up yesterday and did a few things. Took care of the kids and cooked Jake dinner. I was grouchy. I hate to sit down and waste a whole day doing NOTHING. It drives me crazy. My mom said even when I was a kid I would be sick and I'd lay around for a while, then I'd be up playing and she'd think I was better. Then the next time she looked around I'd be out again. I've never been one to sit still much. Have you noticed??????
Either way, my mom is coming today!!!!! Yeah. Mom to the Rescue. Or should I say Nana to the rescue. She can take care of the kids and I can sleep. I am making Heather's (a lady from church who just had a baby) meal for her today. Yikes. If she is lucky, my mom will be preparing it (she is a good cook). If not, she'll be getting take out. Sorry Ms. G. It will be better than sick delilah food.
Well, go have the best day of your life....
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Tuesday Part 2
On another subject...there has been a lot of talk about MySpace.com in the news. There was a girl in California who was killed and it had something to do with myspace. I don't really know too much about it but today, since I was basically bedridden I decided to check out this MySpace.com. I started looking up people who I knew had their own MySpace. I found something awful. One guy I know was talking about committing suicide. He has plans to kill himself. He has actually planned out what he would do. All the training I have received would say THIS IS VERY SERIOUS! He is not just having suicidal ideation but he has a plan. He wants to hang himself. He did say he went to talk to a councilor today. I was happy to hear that but overall, disturbed, none the less.
I looked up people in my age range from my High School. I found some interesting stuff. Ex-boyfriends, old friends....I didn't leave any messages or anything. I am not into all that.
The Best Day of My Life
Last night I went to this Valentine's Tea at our church. It was nice. It was mostly older women (a handful of the younger gals). Anyways, after the thing this one girl asked me if I was mad at her. She said I gave her a dirty look and I hadn't been talking to her. I felt really bad. I hadn't noticed we hadn't talked because we don't always talk. And I certainly didn't mean to give her a dirty look. I was probably thinking about something else (with a sour look on my face) and she walked by or something. Plus I was really REALLY busy on Sunday...distracted and trying to do 10 things at once. But either way, I was glad she asked me about it, instead of just ignoring me or talking about me. Everything is okay now. It made me think that maybe other people think that I am mad at them or something at times. There was this one lady, who I thought for a long time was mad at me for something but I didn't say anything to her. I know that isn't like me but I just didn't want to have the confrontation. Now, I think maybe I made it all up in my head....maybe she thought I was mad at her! Women are so difficult (I know that is a generalization and I include myself). I know, personally, I have been hurt in many of my female friendships so I tend to keep people at an arm's length sometimes. That is something I am going to work on. Sometimes I say too much, and other times, I don't say enough. Sometimes I'll surprise you with something extraordinarily nice one minute , and then I will forget your birthday (I am really bad about that - it is a Wright girl thing, my sister does it too). I am still learning.
On another note: My coworker, Mel, is at that awful school I was at a few weeks ago. You know, the one I had to walk out of and they stole my candy! Well, she is there, so keep her in your thoughts. Hopefully she will have a better experience than me. She will have different kids but the same teacher!
Hey, have the BEST DAY of your life!
Monday, February 20, 2006
J. the P. a.k.a. Jim the Pharmacist
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The Fun of Leebrick Hall...
Those were the days of Leebrick Hall. I was happy to move out of the dorm for the summer and I never went back to dorm living. One year was enough for me.
Friday, February 17, 2006
The Google Paved Road....
1. woods poop
2. tweekers recipe
3. "mom" & "crystal meth"
4. tom cavanagh
5. souse meat
6. punta canta slang
7. sexy tractors
8. howie chizek
9. the office updog
10. crystal meth recipe
11. jake's dream buck
12. thaw water line double wide (my blog is the #1 result on google for this search!)
That's all.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Tired & Grouchy...
Eric was here this evening. He went to leave after dinner and his car wouldn't start. He had run out of gas. Lucky for him Jake had a spare can of gasoline in the garage. I teased Eric about running so low. It seems like there is always something with him!
Either way this week has been blah. I've had bad hair, I have zits (don't most people grow out of that zit stage??????), my classes were blah, I have barely seen my husband and I think I gained 3 lbs.
Hopefully I will be back to my old spunky self soon. Until then....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
STD's 101
- There is only ONE 100% effective way not to get a STD.
- Sexual Activity is not just "doing it". If you are one of those people that does all the "other" stuff but doesn't go all the way, you can get an STD from the "other" stuff.
- There isn't one test for all STD's. Some involve internal exams, some urine tests, some blood tests and some can't even be detected by testing.
- MOST STD'S DO NOT HAVE SYMPTOMS. Although they aren't showing symptoms, they can be transmitted to others and may be doing damage to your body that is not reversible.
- When you have a pap smear they DO NOT test for STD's. You have to specifically ask to be tested. A pap smear is looking for abnormal cells (a.k.a. cancer). If you aren't comfortable talking to your parents or you doctor about this stuff you shouldn't be doing it.
- Condoms provide little or NO protection against 2 STD's that are not curable (herpes & HPV). Condoms are not 99.9% effective like you were told. They are about 85% effective in preventing pregnancy (studies among mature responsible sober adults). But it doesn't matter because teens don't use them anyways. Either they get caught up in the moment and didn't plan to really have sex or they are too embarrassed to buy them or they don't have the money or they don't like the way they feel or they were too drunk.
- 15 million Americans get an STD each year.
Those are my main points. Then I go over 9 STD's: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, PID, Pubic Lice, Herpes Simplex Virus 2, Hepatitis B, Venereal Warts and HIV/AIDS. My favorite to talk about is the warts. This morning in my first period class I was talking about all the STD's and I noticed a few people squirming. I usually note (mentally) who is responding in a negative way. I notice some kids looking very uncomfortable when I tell them if they have been sexually active they have to get check out. I noticed one girl in the front was looking nervous. She gets up during the middle of my lecture (remember I am talking about HPV). So this girl goes and tells the teacher she isn't feeling so good. The teacher is writing her a pass. I decide I should keep teaching. Well, I was saying where you can get these warts: genitals, scrotum, thighs, buttocks, throat, tongue, and esophogus. As soon as I say scrotum...Barf. Yes the girl puked on the floor. She kept gagging and puked pretty loud. It was green. I don't know why I told you that....I guess I want to invite some spontaneous barfing. Either way, nothing like that ever happened to me. Kinda crazy. I love my job. I do feel bad though, and it is possible she was just sick from the flu or something. Who knows.
Have a good day!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Correction: No Love Monkey Tonight.....
So, there is this guy I know....
So, tell me am I out of line? Is it none of my business? Is this guy out of touch with reality? Tell me what you think...especailly if you agree with me. ha ha ha. And by the way, I did tell that guy I was going to blog about this.
Monday, February 13, 2006
EX Ex-Men Mondays...
Today I am tired. I shouldn't be because I over slept this morning. I am a morning person and usually wake up before the sun is up, before my alarm wakes me up. Not today. Jake woke me up and said...."you are going to be late!" That was an understatement! I had 4 minutes to get ready so I would get to the school on time. No shower, barely brushed my teeth, pulled my hair back in a clip (I HATE my hair that way!), putting on make-up as I am walking out the door, coffee (jake made it for me...extra strong) for breakfast (strong coffee on an empty stomach is not good for me!), I hate when I am frazzled. So, on the way to work I missed the exit (did the same thing last week) so I ended up taking the long way, my windshield cracked??? and I eventually got there a different time than I thought I was supposed to be there (I looked at the wrong paper last night for my schedule) and was still late. I didn't pack a lunch...no time. So after teaching 3 classes I went to Einstein Bagels for lunch. I was standing in line admiring this girls very cool black work tattoos on her arm. She was talking to this guy and she said to him, "I have a bad case of the Mondays." I thought (light bulb shining bright and finger in the air) "That's it...I have a bad case of the Mondays!". I am not sure why, I got more than my normal amount of sleep!? Yesterday at church, the Pastor talked about people being grumpy at work on Mondays so I was sure to keep a bounce in my step but I really feel like sticking my tongue out at someone. I didn't complain (until now) except I did try to explain to my boss why I was 20 minutes late for my class. She was very forgiving and quite pleasant about it (she's a very nice boss). I don't plan on pressing my luck tomorrow. Hopefully I will be in a better mood.
See you then.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Mission Accomplished....
You may be wondering where she is living now... Currently she doesn't have a place so she put her stuff in storage and now she is staying with us. We don't have anything fancy but it is a roof. We called our old landlord today (from the Grant Street Apartment) because she has something available. We are just waiting for her to call back. I'll keep you updated.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Happy 100th Post!!!!!!
A couple of my early posts...still hysterical.
1. Rabbits
2. Praying for the Rabbits....
Stories about the Miller Family
3. A Miller Dream....Setting the Stage (Part 1)
4. A Miller Dream....West Virginia-Almost Heaven (Part 2)
5. A Miller Dream....Thanksgiving in the Woods (Part 3 the Final Chapter)
6. Is the Gag Reflex Hereditary?
7. The Thirteenth Day of Christmas...WARNING- Do not read while eating.
My thought provoking, controversial posts...
8. Toxic People
9. Happy Sacher Torte Day
10. Can Men & Women Be Friends? (a record 17 comments....I'd love to hear more!)
Miscellaneous Posts.
11. Sunday Evening Reflection (My personal favorite)
12. Jarhead (2nd most comments posted!)
Thank you for reading!!! Can't wait to write the next 100!
KSU: Prentice Hall
I mentioned last week that I might start telling you my Kent State drama on Saturdays... What do you think? Do you want to hear this stuff? You have to let me know. Read my first installment and decide if you want more.
When I graduated from High School I went to Lorain County Community College. I didn't want to go to a community college but my mom insisted. Looking back I am glad I did. I made great friends, had a lot of fun and actually learned something. I took more than the typical 2 years at LCCC. After I graduated with my Associates degree I stuck around because "The Cello" (if you are new to "The Miller Way" you will have to read a previous post titled "I dated a cello") had not graduated and he begged me not to leave him. So, I stayed at LCCC another year. Stupid, I know, I knew it at the time but didn't care because, you know...I was in LUVVVV. So, I arrived at KSU as a 21 year old junior. I was footing the bill for this education endeavor so I opted to go the cheapest route, which meant I would be sharing a dorm with a freshman. Sometime during the summer I received my room-mate assignment. Some girl from somewhere. Not important. I ran into some friends from High School and an old friend, Eric told me his girlfriend, (we'll call her Blondie) was also going to Kent in the fall. I asked him what dorm she would be in....he said "Prentice". Great, same dorm, I'll give her a call. By the next week we had made arrangements to oust our assigned dorm-mates and share a space ourselves. I was excited. Blondie was this beautiful, funny, nice girl. She didn't drink or do drugs. She had been dating Eric for years. She was a freshman but settled. I liked it. Well, I was working at this resturant that summer. Two weeks before we would be leaving for college this girl I worked with said, Hey, I saw your future room-mate in The Flats. She was drunk and dancing on a bar. Apparently, she and Eric broke up. She was a "Girl Gone Wild".
Now let me describe Blondie to you. She was gorgeous. In fact, she looked like Pamela Anderson. Every where we went, every guy she met, liked her (or lusted after her) and wanted her. They would ALL confide in me. I can't tell you how many college boys have said to me, "Your room-mate looks just like Pamela Anderson." No....really? I never noticed. Duh. Blondie was also crazy. She was loud and crude. She once woke me up from a dead sleep to show me (yes show me) that you could light your farts on fire (you can, but I don't recommend it because it is probably dangerous). She belched like a man and she had a formula for helping her poop if constipated: she would rock back and forth, while sitting (on the pot) and yell "Wheats!!!". I don't know why? She said it worked. I never tried it. We all heard her yelling "Wheats" every now and then. She always talked about her bathroom habits. If you remember, I would only use the "private/ visitors bathroom". She'd talk about this stuff in front of guys and they'd like her more. She was like a man in Pam Anderson's body. Great. Although she was crude like this she was very girly. She loved lip gloss and painted her toe nails. I arrived in Kent in my Doc Martens and t-shirt wardrobe. She taught me a few things (Including how to bong a beer.) My friends back home, teased me.
Have you ever been in a college dorm room? Ours was 10x12 (I think). That is not a lot of space for 2 girls. I went home the first week-end. When I returned Blondie had painted the room hot pink. I was in a very anti-pink stage of my life. I mostly wore black (still wear a lot of it) and shuttered at the thought of hot pink walls. I tried my best to cover them with my black & whites of Johnny Depp and Tori Amos. In October, Blondie and I decided to have a big party...in our room. I have no idea what we were thinking. We ended up in the dorm room next to us with a ton of people. Me, Blondie, Veronica, Eileen, Guy, Duane, Shawn, McCoy, Chad, Don L., Ryan S., Brian T., Heather, maybe Amy (were you there?) all in a little 10x12 room. We weren't allowed to have alcohol in our dorm because it was for freshmen. Blondie and I went to the store and I bought a ton of beer and wine coolers. We snuck it in backpacks. Clink, clink, clink the whole way into the room. We weren't very discrete. Sometime that evening a security guard was walking by and heard us all in the room. He knocked and asked if he could come in. We refused him entry (exercising our rights...that's what you do at Kent, right?). He said he saw a wine cooler. Veronica told him it was hers. He told her to go with him. She followed him down the hall, chugging her wine cooler as she walked. They get to the laundry room, where he is going to make her dump it out. It was empty. He said, "where did it go?". She said in a little baby doll (drunk) voice, "I dranked it all." We lost it. I don't remember what happened after that but she did get written up.
By Thanksgiving I had enough of the freshman life. I choose to move to a new dorm. Blondie and I remained friends and she often came over to visit me in Leebrick Hall. She dated a guy from my floor, Gus. She flunked out after her first year. Too bad. I never saw her again. We have crossed paths many times but never actually ran into one another. I think she still lives in Vermilion.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Are you FRUGAL?
The reason I am writing this today is....Yesterday Acme (a store I don't typically shop at because it is expensive) was having a meat sale. I don't buy a lot of meat because it is expensive. We eat hamburger meat, ground turkey and chicken breast. Occasionally I will throw in ham or pork chops. We have bought meat bundles before and that worked out okay but we haven't done it again. Well, I went to Acme expecting I probably wouldn't find anything that great. Well...I bought roasts (pork & beef), bacon, chicken strips, chicken breast, chicken quarters, pork chops, turkey breast, steaks, salmon and alaskan king crab legs. I bought enough meat for 2 months (suplimented with ground turkey) for $100. Yes, I am frugal and maybe even a cheap skate but I cook healthy, well balanced meals and we even eat fancy stuff like crab legs (or lobster) every now and then.
So there is my little lesson on saving money. It takes a little time but not as much as you think. I actually takes organization, which none of you thought I had (did ya?).
Have a good day.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Nothing Much to Say...
Mary, the woman who has Monet emailed me last week to ask me some questions about him. She is having some problems with him that we did not have but I think the issues are basically about his schedule. Ether way, Jude has been talking about Monet for the last month. He said it is time to get him back. It has been 5 months. I can't believe time went that fast. And I can't believe Jude still remembers him. Someone once told me that a dog will remember you and your scent for 6 months. That seems like a long time.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Papaw Miller Blog
What About Adoption?
So, I am wondering what your take is on all this. Are we crazy? I have been taking this course called "Good Sense". It is about spending money in a biblical way. The bible is very clear that everything we have belongs to God and we are to use it for Him. If someone wants to borrow your car, remember God gave you that car and you need to share it. If God gives you a home, you are to open it up to others. Probably the others in the group are thinking, let someone who is "in between" places stay with you (which Paul & Linda did live with us for a month...it wasn't so bad). I felt like God was reminding me there are a lot of children who need me out there...and who need a home. I had another reminder last week. I told Russ and Jake about the eighth graders I met that had children. Russ had a completely different take on it than any other person I told. He said, "Well, that is better than the alternative." He was talking about abortion. Like many others he sees the issue in black and white. But along those lines, it is too bad these girls didn't choose adoption (and so sad that they got pregnant in the first place). Their children would have better lives. And they would have a better chance of success.
Okay, last thing...I was talking to my friend about all this. She thinks I am crazy. (Side note...I think God put me in her life to "stretch" her a little because she thinks most everything I do is crazy). She asked me if I thought I could love a child that I didn't give birth to the same as I do my own children. I know I can. I loved Cody like he was my own. I won't ever say...oh, he's the adopted kid. When we do adopt that child will be our kid. No difference. No preferences. Flaws and all. It'll be tough but I think that is what we are supposed to do!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Don't Forget Love Monkey
Oh, this character from the show, Wayne, has a blog at My Space. Here it is.....
Tell me if you watched.
Inbox: New Blog...
As for my other blog links. I know some people don't post that often...I keep them on "just in case". If you haven't checked out some of the new one's you should. Jackie's, Correction G (just hysterical) and Papaw Miller's! Make sure you leave comments.
Blogspot is still having some issue's. I noticed I couldn't leave a comment on Amy's blog today and yesterday someone told me they left a comment on mine that disappeared! If that happens just post it again. Hopefully this will all work out soon.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Ex-Men Monday (Part 4) The Linebacker
While dating the Linebacker was that I never allowed him to meet my friends. We dated from Halloween to Valentine's day and I think the only friend he ever met was Tiffany...only because I lived with her. I was embarrassed by him. Not because he was awful...but because he was like a lovesick puppy dog following me around. I hated it. To top if off, I hated his job. He worked in collections for some company. He was a total jerk and talked about people with credit problems (had he checked his girlfriends credit, duh???). Now he works for this company, Household Bank. I read this "quote of the year"...it says it is from an employee, I swear it is from him. I don't think two people could feel more differently on this issue.
"“The consumers with their complaints are the pieces of s**t that do not know how to manage money. Get an education and use it. Stop buying things and using credit cards. Invest in some real estate and drive a crappy car through your pitiful lives. At least you will retire thinking you accomplished something."
Don't get me wrong, I believe people should pay their bills but I know stuff happens (called life) and people make mistakes. His attitude coupled with the massage parlor escapadeses were the end of our relationship. I broke up with him. I didn't choose the most mature route to do it. I just started avoiding him. I never answered the phone. If he stopped over, I wouldn't answer the door. It was mean. I felt bad and thought about getting in touch with him a couple of years later but then I met Jake and that was that. He is married now and lives in Kentucky.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Can Men & Women Be Friends?
Harry: You realize of course that we could never be friends.
Sally: Why not?
Harry: What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.
Sally: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.
Harry: No you don't.
Sally: Yes I do.
Harry: No you don't.
Sally: Yes I do.
Harry: You only think you do.
Sally: You say I'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?
Harry: No, what I'm saying is they all WANT to have sex with you.
Sally: They do not.
Harry: Do too.
Sally: They do not.
Harry: Do too.
Sally: How do you know?
Harry: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too.
Sally: What if THEY don't want to have sex with YOU?
Harry: Doesn't matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.
Sally: Well, I guess we're not going to be friends then.
Harry: I guess not.
Sally: That's too bad. You were the only person I knew in New York.
Did you see that movie? I LOVED it. It is still one of my favorites. So what do you think? Can men and women be just friends? I used to have lots of male friends. It was never easy. But my female friendships haven't been a bucket of joy either. Slowly over the years my male friendships have dwindled away. They got girlfriends or wives and I was history. The handfull of male friends I had left when I met Jake scattered with the wind when I got married. Please, don't get me wrong, I still keep in touch with a few of those guys but it just isn't the same. When I was single I would "assess" each man I met. Looks, Personality, Sense of Humor, Has a Job, Would I date him?, Would I be his type?, Any longterm potential?, etc... Most single girls do this without even really thinking. If I didn't see any potential of a romantic future we could be friends. I am not saying those guys weren't worthy of dating ME, there were all sorts of reasons a man wouldn't have "potential". For example, if my sister or friend dated or liked a guy, he was automatically off limits. From the moment I decided that he was then off my dating radar. If the guy liked one of my friends first and later realized he was madly in love with me...too late. He was off limits. That is just how I operated. I know not everyone is like that but if they were there would be fewer talk shows! So that is how it was when I was single. Now I am married. Seriously, when I met Jake and we decided to get married I stopped assessing men. I didn't need to anymore. I just see men as people not anything else. Maybe I am like Sally, naive. I don't know. I do have men in my life now. I don't think twice about it. For example, Ivan, Tim or Eric, my brother-in-laws...I hang out with them. Ivan and I went geocaching together, I didn't think twice about it. Tim has stopped over when Jake wasn't home and Eric has spent a lot of time at my house when Jake isn't around. Same with my father-in-law. I don't even think about it. Well, I have a friend who said she thinks it is weird...she would never do anything like that. Hmmm. Then Jake has a friend...I think the guy is afraid of me. We get along great. He comes home with Jake for dinner a couple of times a week. He is single. But I saw him at a school, when Jake wasn't there, I stopped to chat with him...he acted really weird. Then he came over for dinner last week and Jake wasn't home yet, he wouldn't come in until Jake got there 3-4 minutes later. That is fine, I don't want him to be uncomfortable but I just don't think like that. Am I wrong? Is it too complicated for men and women to be friends? I trust my husband. I certainly trust myself. Sure I don't want Jake talking to some girl who pretends like I don't exsist or doesn't make an effort to get to know me, but I want him to be friends with my friends. When they call I want him to chat with them. Jake and my sister went shopping together. Not weird. Jake talked to LeAnn (Jim's wife) on the phone for a half hour. Also not weird. Likewise, I want to be friends with his friends.
So, what do you think...Can men and women be friends?
Geocaching in Kent...
Saturday, February 04, 2006
You Are What You Eat...
Two things happened recently that led me to write this post. 1. Paul's blog about eating soggy Wheaties. 2. My cousin, Kelly's email (one of those annoying personality things I keep sending everyone) that asked your least favorite food. I have come to the conclusion...I have eaten some VERY disgusting foods. I think I could go on Fear Factor and do okay. I am going to list the grossest things I have consumed and you tell me the grossest things you have eaten. -
Pig Brains, mixed with eggs and fried. -
Cow Tongue -
Cow Heart -
Chicken Gizzard, Liver & Heart -
Squirrel -
Rabbit, I know, probably the most "normal" thing on the list, yet still gross. -
Carp, a Polish tradition on Christmas. -
Pigeon, a.k.a. squab, I had a soup with it in it. -
Souse meat (made by boiling a pigs entire head: snout, ears, skin, tongue) -
Pigs Feet (and they were pickled!) -
Frog Legs
I am sure I have eaten more gross things...I just can't remember them all.
Stuffed Squab
Ingredients1 squab Softened butter Salt and freshly ground black pepper Cooking InstructionsClean the squab, reserving the livers and giblets. Chop the liver and giblets fine, adding them to the same stuffing used for the turkey. Stuff the squab, and tie the legs with string. Rub the bird with melted butter, and season with salt and pepper. Roast in the pan along with the turkey at 400 degrees for 1 hour, basting occasionally.
SOUSE MEAT Cook hog head and ears well done; pull meat off bones, mash fine, add salt to taste, 1 1/2 cups of vinegar, red, black pepper and sage to taste. Refrigerate overnight.
BEEF TONGUE It's expensive, but there are no bones - it's all meat. 1 (2-3 lb.) beef tongue1/4 tsp. oregano1/2 tsp. salt1/4 tsp. marjoram1/4 tsp. summer savory Rinse tongue. Place in pressure cooker. Add water to cover. Add the remaining ingredients. Pressure cook 1 hour at 10 or 15 pounds. Remove from pan and allow to cool enough to handle. Remove connective tissues and skin. The skin should come off easily. Cut into 1/4-inch slices across it's length. At this point, the meat can be used as you desire. It makes excellent "cold cut"
Blogspot Issues....
Friday, February 03, 2006
Check out a New Blog....
Lists and Random Facts...
1. "Cure for the Common Life" by Max Lucado
2. "The Nanny Diaries" by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
3. "A Case for Marriage" by Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher (reading this for work)
Jude's favorite lines.
1. "You're not my BLOSS." I think he has blog and boss mixed up.
2. "Mom, are you talkin' yerself?" He says this 10x's a day.
3. "It's my turn to watch T.V."
4. "I want some pink milk."
5. He only used this one once but it is funny. Molly (the cat) had swatted at him because he was annoying her. Imagine him saying this with his face crinkled up and his lip sticking out.
"Mauwy beat me up." Classic.
Jake's Favorite Cereal
1. Frosted Mini Wheats
2. Lucky Charms
3. Life
(List Subject to Change)
Funny questions students asked me this week.
1. Are you old enough to teach this class?
2. Are your kids mixed? I guess she thought I had a little soul. That's cool.
3. Do you know what twerkin' is? It is a dance where the girl bends over, sticks her butt in the air and wiggles it on a boy (get it???).
4. Followed up by... Can you get public lice from twerkin'? Uh, yes you can.
By the way....those girls I thought were pregnant aren't. I was relieved (for a minute) until I found out they both already have babies. The one girl just turned 15 this week and has two kids! I thought they were pregnant by the way they acted when we talked about parenting. You can read so much from their body language and looks they give each other. If I had a child when I was 13, he would be turning 20 this year. The girl with 2 kids had hickies all over her neck this week. WHERE ARE HER PARENTS?????
Have a great Friday. Jake and I are having a date day tomorrow! I'm sure I will tell you about it later.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Mid Week Thoughts...
Yesterday two of my students started to get into a fight. Both girls were white girls with greasy hair. They both wear dirty looking clothing each day. One girl is chubby the other is a bean pole. Well, I am not sure what they were fighting about but the chubby girl likes to run her mouth. The skinny girl gets offended and gets in the other girls face. She was doing this "prance" type move, stepping into the girl to try to intimidate her. I almost started laughing. Not because it was funny but because it was ridiculous. Seriously. The one girl called the other girl fatty. The chubby girl calls her blondie. Not a very good come back. But she can't just leave it alone. As soon as the girl walks away she says "you ain't nothin' but a hoe." The girl gets up in her face and says well fight me then. Come on...just hit me. The chubby girl said "I could kick your butt, I beat up a ninth grader before." The blond girl laughed and gets up and stands in her face. The chubby girl calls her a prostitute. I thought the blond was going to explode. It was Maury right in the classroom. Kids think that T.V. stuff is normal and now they act like it. That stuff is so normal the other kids didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary.
Okay, I am falling asleep. I have to go night - night.